PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
053172Uuurgh...Zigludo2022-08-15 18:58:07Revert
053173So thy awareness is still intact...?Zigludo2022-08-15 18:58:40Revert
053174Although the resistance thou display'st be meagre.. It seems as though thou art no simple bandit... How fascinating...Zigludo2022-08-15 18:59:33Revert
053175As recompense for thy sin of violating this holy grave, thou shalt serve as our slave...Zigludo2022-08-15 19:00:29Revert
053176Th-There's no way I'm gonna do that...! As if I'd follow the orders of some dusty eyeball!Zigludo2022-08-15 19:01:03Revert
053177Foolish... eventually, thou wilt come to gladly obey...Zigludo2022-08-15 19:01:45Revert