PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
058203I will count down, and as I count down your age will count down too. You will become younger and younger... Let's begin. Twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty, nineteen...themy2023-04-25 03:47:19Revert
058204...three, two, one, zero. Hiromi, you are now a little baby, just born not so long ago. A cute, cute little baby.themy2023-04-25 03:48:22Revert
058205Let's get you nice and comfortable.themy2023-04-25 03:49:44Revert
058206It's okay, it's okay. Are you hungry, I wonder?themy2023-04-25 03:50:11Revert
058207S-so cute!themy2023-04-25 03:50:28Revert
058208Ngahh!themy2023-04-25 03:50:49Revert
058209Waah!themy2023-04-25 03:51:06Revert
058210Ngahh!themy2023-04-25 03:51:30Revert
058211Nmha!themy2023-04-25 03:51:53Revert
058212Ichijou-san, what are you doing? Ah, it looks like I need to teach my cute little dolls a lesson.themy2023-04-25 03:55:48Revert
058213Oh no...!themy2023-04-25 03:56:07Revert