PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
054640What the hell is with you guys...... You're the same punks I gave a light beating to the other day...... Come to get beat up again?JustChilling2022-11-08 00:00:29Revert
054641Hehe...... Today, we came to fight Midori-paisen* for revenge...

*paisen- an inverse of senpai used by yankees and gyaru to be an informal title
JustChilling2022-11-08 00:05:28Revert
054642Huh......? I know you're small fry, but aren't you underestimating me a bit too much?JustChilling2022-11-08 00:09:24Revert
054643I waited for the right moment and booted up the hypnosis app.JustChilling2022-11-08 00:10:47Revert
054644After several hoursJustChilling2022-11-08 00:11:27Revert
054645Hngh~♥ Oh~♥ Not good~♥ Wait, my pussy is going to breaak~♥♥JustChilling2022-11-08 00:14:48Revert
054646To moan so much from cock, even though she has such strong arms... I guess senpai is female after all! lolJustChilling2022-11-08 00:18:52Revert