PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
054344...yes... I will keep repeating...

My mind and body are completely naked, a hypnotized doll...

This is the real me...
DaiuchuGinga2022-10-30 20:16:03Revert
054345...yes... normally I won't remember, but the deepest part of my mind is totally controlled...

Whenever I hear "hypno doll Marina", the fake me will fall away, and I will show the real me, completely naked, a hypnotized doll...
DaiuchuGinga2022-10-30 20:19:30Revert
054346...yes... normally I won't remember, but the deepest part of my mind is totally controlled...

Whenever I hear "hypno doll Marina", the fake me will fall away, and I will show the real me, completely naked, a hypnotized doll...
DaiuchuGinga2022-10-30 22:52:33Revert
054347...yes... I will keep repeating...

My mind and body are completely naked, a hypnotized doll...

This is the real me...
DaiuchuGinga2022-10-30 22:53:27Revert