PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
055857So you're the evil spirit that's been assaulting the women in this town, and I'm here to exorcise you.
JustChilling2022-12-29 05:01:05Revert
055858So you're the evil spirit that's been assaulting the women in this town, I'm here to exorcise you.JustChilling2022-12-29 05:01:20Revert
055859The man currently being possessed is quite strong and handsome.~♥ After the exorcism, perhaps you can be Marine's companion for the night~♥.JustChilling2022-12-29 06:07:24Revert
055860The man currently being possessed is quite strong and handsome~♥. After the exorcism, perhaps you can be Marine's companion for the night~♥.JustChilling2022-12-29 06:07:48Revert