PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
056709Master's filthy cock has probably never been washed in his entire life...<3Disastermaster552023-02-09 19:06:39Revert
056710Please allow your new wife to clean up every last chunk of smegma that has been piling up in your foreskin for years with her mouth<3Disastermaster552023-02-09 19:08:20Revert
056711Thank you for impregnating me with such an incredibly masculine cock...<3

I'm so blessed to be yours<3<3<3
Disastermaster552023-02-09 19:10:16Revert
056712The sorceress with the bewitching eye has been hypnotized by this goblin into believing they are married.Disastermaster552023-02-09 19:12:04Revert