PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
056794(Man) How is it going?Arata2023-02-12 02:49:09Revert
056795(Scientist) Yes, it's looking good.Arata2023-02-12 02:49:45Revert
056796Don't corrupt her completely.Arata2023-02-12 02:50:22Revert
056797(Scientist) Understood.Arata2023-02-12 02:51:01Revert
056798(Scientist) I just reached out to her again.Arata2023-02-12 02:52:04Revert
056799(Man) So, the Lightning turns out to be no more than a woman.Arata2023-02-12 02:52:49Revert
056800(Scientist) Yes, it's looking good.SHlRA0Rl2023-02-12 07:58:59Revert