PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
065155Hi!♪ I'm Kanadechi, the fleshlight!♪justhere4the2024-05-08 14:34:13Revert
065156I'm often told that I'm too prideful, so when my dignity is violated, I cry in frustration!justhere4the2024-05-08 14:35:46Revert
065157I was once ordered to "Do a naked dance with a stupid look on your face, shouting out your complexes in a loud and happy way, and keep your spirits high."justhere4the2024-05-08 14:38:37Revert
065158It was so humiliating and degrading that I was unable to sleep that night because I couldn't stop crying!♪justhere4the2024-05-08 14:40:41Revert
065159I look forward to welcoming customers who will thoroughly make me their toy!♪justhere4the2024-05-08 14:42:45Revert