PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
057696 Name: Hypno-Bunny No. 1JustChilling2023-03-28 05:17:09Revert
057697Obedience: High

Brainwashing Resistance: Slightly Low

Number of Trance Breaks: 3 times
JustChilling2023-03-28 05:20:15Revert
057698Hypnosis via Sound

Highly Effective
JustChilling2023-03-28 05:22:15Revert
057699Very Sensitive

Improved Efficiency when Stimulated during Re-Brainwashing
JustChilling2023-03-28 05:26:41Revert

Due to repeated hypnotic inductions, her resistance level reached the accepted baseline, and she became Hypno-Bunny No. 1 through the brainwashing program. Because of her originally strong willpower, and the fact that she is the first test subject, even after several brainwashing sessions to abandon her sense-of-self, she has experienced repeated trance breaks and each time has undergone re-brainwashing and hypnotic suggestion deepening sound treatment. More trance breaks are expected in the future, so please remain vigilant.
JustChilling2023-03-28 05:44:20Revert
057701Resistance level at the time of re-brainwashing is decreasing with each repeated treatment, and the level of obedience during the brainwashing program is extremely high. JustChilling2023-03-28 05:48:26Revert
057702Addendum: What is the brainwashing program?

It refers to the program that creates hypnotized slaves who obey any suggestion they are given by making them surrender their consciousness through brainwashing and keeping them in a deep hypnotic state at all times.
JustChilling2023-03-28 05:53:56Revert