PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
060134Yes Mistress... I understand... Miki is now a loyal drone that acts according to Mistress's will...ShadowWarlock2023-08-22 08:13:05Revert
060135...Yes...ShadowWarlock2023-08-22 08:13:34Revert
060136Drone Miki will constantly monitor Momoka-chan's actions, excuse me, Magical Peach Harukawa Momoka's actions, and report on them...ShadowWarlock2023-08-22 08:14:06Revert
060137Everything is for the sake of Mistress's Bad Empire...ShadowWarlock2023-08-22 08:14:42Revert
060181Everything is for the sake of Mistress's Evil Empire...anonlv0002023-08-24 17:13:13Revert