PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
060833You're the gym leader, Ms. Skyla, right?JustChilling2023-10-23 01:28:56Revert
060834Yeah, can I help you with something?JustChilling2023-10-23 01:30:26Revert
060835Could you please look this way for a moment?JustChilling2023-10-23 01:31:28Revert
060836Could you please look this way for a moment?JustChilling2023-10-23 01:31:44Revert
060837...Yes, I will join your team as well!JustChilling2023-10-23 01:42:33Revert
060838Have some more fun with me~♥JustChilling2023-10-23 01:45:22Revert