PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
02913Listen up! You now hate the guts of your formerly beloved Shinji-kun.extreyextrey2014-08-11 16:55:49Revert
02914And now, you love me. You will utterly devote yourself to me. You're dying to have sex with me. You crave my cock so bad you can almost taste it. For the rest of your life you are my slave. For the rest of your life you are mine. Okay?extreyextrey2014-08-11 17:03:24Revert
02915Yes...extreyextrey2014-08-11 17:03:47Revert
02916Yes...HelixDome2014-08-11 19:58:31Revert
059296You’re getting sleepy and you now hate the guts of your formerly beloved Shinji-kun.CJO12342023-07-06 15:03:04Revert