PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
061192May I have this dance?JustChilling2023-11-13 07:07:47Revert
061193My, how cold...JustChilling2023-11-13 07:08:10Revert
061194You both are so lewd.JustChilling2023-11-13 07:09:14Revert
061195I never dared to think about it before.*

*Japanese text here is a repeat of the previous bubble, but this may be an error from the artist since the Chinese version is different so I just used that one instead*
JustChilling2023-11-13 07:12:51Revert
061196I never dared to think about it before.*

*Japanese text here is a repeat of the previous bubble, but this may be an error from the artist since the Chinese version is different so I just used that one instead*
JustChilling2023-11-13 07:13:08Revert