PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
062435Is this today's outfit..? It's quite a... Bold design, I'm a bit unsure... A present? Ah, this is a gift from that Rosa-san?Hattori2024-01-16 22:57:46Revert
062436Well, it would be rude of me not to accept. This is called mochi, right? ...Mmn♥ Hattori2024-01-16 22:59:39Revert
062437Is this today's outfit..? It's quite a... Bold design, I'm a bit unsure... A present? Ah, a gift from Rosa-san just came in?Hattori2024-01-16 23:00:33Revert
062438Well, it would be rude of me not to accept. This is called mochi, right? ...Mmn♥ Oh, it's delicious♥ It's almost time to go on the runway, I have to show my mochi mochi to everyoneHattori2024-01-16 23:04:05Revert
062439Well, it would be rude of me not to accept. This is called mochi, right? ...Mmn♥ Oh, it's delicious♥ It's almost time to get on the runway, I have to show my mochi mochi to everyoneHattori2024-01-16 23:04:30Revert