PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
04055Gufufufufu...oh come on, it's no big thing... I'm just going to impregnate you with my offspring, that's all!TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:40:03Revert
04056Blaziken: !! W-what...!? You, just now you...!TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:40:20Revert
04057Hypno: Children, I'm saying, children. I'm saying that from now, I'm going to rape you until you're pregnant.TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:40:41Revert
04058D-don't speak such nonsense! I hate dirty jokes like that!!TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:41:04Revert
04059Ah, no, this isn't a joke. I really am about to...TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:41:21Revert
04060Be quiet! Who could believe what you're saying!? Hurry up and release this hold on my body!!TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:41:50Revert
04061Geez...what an unreasonable girl. Well, shall I show you now just how serious I am?TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:42:17Revert