PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
04880Now, now ... don't hold back on crying. There's nothing to worry about, so shall we let it out?nevermind2015-04-04 15:50:50Revert
04881If you let it all out you'll be able to feel better. You've got nothing to lose.nevermind2015-04-04 15:54:31Revert
04882The more you cry, the harder it gets to think, and your ability to reason disappears. [chuckle]nevermind2015-04-04 16:03:45Revert
04883Yes, that's it: let it out just like that.nevermind2015-04-04 16:04:37Revert
04904Now, now ... don't hold back on crying. There's nothing to worry about, so let's let it out, shall we?nevermind2015-04-04 16:39:02Revert
04905The more you cry, the harder it gets to think, and your ability to reason dwindles away. [chuckle]nevermind2015-04-04 16:40:23Revert
04906Yes, that's it: let it out, just like that.nevermind2015-04-04 16:40:36Revert