PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
07367Gain control over Dark Magician Girl!Cradily2016-05-01 20:44:50Revert
07368No..! If I look into their eye...Cradily2016-05-01 20:48:23Revert
07369Eye.. such a large eye.. can't think..Cradily2016-05-01 20:50:27Revert
07370Eye.. such a large eye.. the eye.. can't think..Cradily2016-05-01 20:50:40Revert
07371Eye.. such a large eye.. the eye.. can't think..Cradily2016-05-01 20:50:55Revert
07372I'm looking.. look.. I.. I'm..?Cradily2016-05-01 20:52:39Revert