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08666But still, hypnosis really isn't suspicious...Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:04:31Revert
08667Oh, it's suspicious alright.Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:04:54Revert
08668So, do you not believe in hypnotism at all, sensei?Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:05:22Revert
08669Of course I don't.Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:05:43Revert
08670Have you ever seen it done on TV or anything?Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:06:06Revert
08671Well, yeah, but things like that are *act-ed* on TV, y'know?Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:06:59Revert
08672If you ever saw real hypnotism right in front of your eyes, would you be surprised?Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:07:26Revert
08673If it happened for real, I guess I would be~Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:07:48Revert
08674Well then...Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:08:09Revert
08675Is it okay if I try it on you, sensei?Mindwipe2017-02-13 08:08:19Revert