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059804Oh no, don't
be so cautious
Mr. Kumoi♪
"Good mood
Mr. Kumoi
actually to you
I want to send
you this incense burner
I was thinking
more and more
please smell it well
It smells so
good, doesn't it?
Throw it
out... relax
Yes, that's
how it is.
A lot of things
will come out
If the other party is
you, anyone will do it
quick if you need it
I'm begging you
"I don't like it
i just to you
I just have
something I want to give~
more and more
Please take a good breath,
inhale and exhale...
Take a deep breath...
stress or
Tired... more and more
I'm going through
Suck it
up a lot... eh
What do you want to give?
NotActuallyAnonymous2023-07-25 14:13:52Revert