PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
023598Mmm- Wasn't that nice?
Well? Do you feel like listening to me now?
Theguy12019-10-24 23:43:56Revert
023599...Ugh. No, I...Theguy12019-10-24 23:44:43Revert
023600You will listen to me, won't you...Theguy12019-10-24 23:45:39Revert
023601Grind-Theguy12019-10-24 23:45:57Revert
023602Rub-Theguy12019-10-24 23:46:04Revert
023603Ah... Oooh...
Yes, I will listen to... you...
Theguy12019-10-24 23:46:27Revert
023604You will listen to me, won't you...?Theguy12019-10-24 23:46:55Revert
023605Aaah... ooh...
Yes, I will listen to... you...
Theguy12019-10-24 23:47:08Revert
023606Aaah... ooh...
I will listen to... you...
Theguy12019-10-24 23:51:31Revert
023607Thank you- Now then,
if your friends come looking for me, I want you to make sure they don't come any closer-
Theguy12019-10-25 00:02:46Revert
023608I want to collect things for a little longer, so I don't want to be obstructed-Theguy12019-10-25 00:06:57Revert
023609Spurt-Theguy12019-10-25 00:07:33Revert
023610Pew-Theguy12019-10-25 00:07:47Revert
023611I'll keep you charmed until today's collection is finished- So please-Theguy12019-10-25 00:12:24Revert
023612Squeeze- Rub- Grind-Theguy12019-10-25 00:12:48Revert
023613Bye now!
I'll be seeing you later-
Theguy12019-10-25 00:13:41Revert
023616Pew pew-Theguy12019-10-25 01:36:50Revert
023624Aaah... ooh...
I, I will listen to... you...
Theguy12019-10-25 03:30:56Revert
023625I'll keep you charmed until today's collection is finished?- Please?-Theguy12019-10-26 00:45:11Revert
023626...I, I really shouldn't...Theguy12019-10-26 00:46:16Revert