PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
0814"So just being fast... isn't enough... Ughh!" <tn>Shimakaze's line when she sinks. (速いだけじゃ…だめなのね…)</tn> Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0815I open my eyes to a dim, cold room.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0816Huh... I was sunk by the enemy... and...Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0817My head feels like it's in a fog, and I feel drowsy. Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0818But, it seems like I'm not "dead".Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0819I'm relieved, but at the same time unease rises to the surface of my mind.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0820"Admiral..."Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0821I call out the name of the person I care for, but nobody responds.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0822"Um... Is anyone here~?"Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0823There is no response.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0824There's some sort of cords and machinery scattered around, but no signs of any people.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0825Even so, looking around at my damaged state, I'd like the fleet to show up and rescue me, but if I'm right they're docked right now.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert