PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
0915I've become a human girl; I'm not a ship-girl anymore. To give birth to and raise a child would be a delight. To carry within my body the crystallization of my love for this person... That is joy. That moment, something overflows within me, like a baby's first cry.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0916"...Please... Please! Admiral's baby♥! Shimazaku will do her best to birth a healthy baby! Make me yours... Make me your woman~♥! Make me pregnant♥! Make me a mama~♥!"Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0917My hips start moving intensely, matching the rhythm of the Admiral's fucking me with all my life. And the Admiral responds to my love.Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0918*Laughter* "Alright then, Shimakaze! You're my fleet's beautiful flower! You'll give birth to a splendid 'living ship'! Become pregnant!"Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert
0919"NN! AAAAAAAAA♥!! I'M CUMMIIIIIIING♥♥♥!!"Mindwipe2013-11-12 11:46:49Revert