PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
042614What's the matter, Aki-kun?L12@2021-08-15 18:43:08Revert
042615I'll keep her to myself, and not let go. Onee-chan is mine alone.L12@2021-08-15 18:43:49Revert
042616We need to get going soon.L12@2021-08-15 18:44:03Revert
042617...Ah. Yeah!L12@2021-08-15 18:44:15Revert
042618Geez. Were you up late again last night?L12@2021-08-15 18:44:40Revert
042619Ahahah... Ah!L12@2021-08-15 18:44:56Revert
042620Onee-chan, can we walk home together today?L12@2021-08-15 18:45:19Revert
042621...I promised to walk home with someone else today.L12@2021-08-15 18:45:58Revert
042622Sorry Aki-kun.L12@2021-08-15 18:46:09Revert
042623Ikeshita MaueL12@2021-08-15 18:46:24Revert
042624Problematic big sister. Little brother love!!L12@2021-08-15 18:46:52Revert