04/05/22 02:57AM
I'm very grateful to you for doing this, by the way. While I'm not too upset about seeing the old site go, I think we're losing quite a few critical features in the transition. The way pools are used here for connected stories, for instance, is crippled by losing the quick page-switch buttons at the top of the page. While the power-users will still know about them, anything multi-part is going to suffer for it.

I'd like to think the site administration would spend some more effort customizing the codebase prior to transitioning us all to the new site, but alas, it seems that is not the case.
04/11/22 12:46PM
Thank you for making this, its a really great tool! Especially the pool navigation and not seeing the "blacklisted post" thumbnails on the front page.

If I may add a request onto the pile for this, would it be possible for you to add in the "Hover Zoom" functionality from the old hub? I always found it very useful to be able to browse through the full size images on the front page without having to open every single one.
04/11/22 01:28PM
Is there any way to try and rig up a way to have the blacklist work like it did on the old site where you can selectively turn on and off them when you're wanting to reveal instead of it being all or nothing?
04/11/22 04:17PM
Zelinko said:
Is there any way to try and rig up a way to have the blacklist work like it did on the old site where you can selectively turn on and off them when you're wanting to reveal instead of it being all or nothing?

Theoretically yes since all the data is there (other than the blacklist but I can easily cache that when you visit the settings page)
04/15/22 03:35AM
Small thing, but would it be possible to replace the characters on the homepage with the pictures of Hypo-Tan from the old version? old.hypnohub.net/images/1.gif (1 can be replaced with any single digit number to get the corresponding picture)
04/15/22 07:10PM
This is something I added in the updateThreadView function:
Let's hope it become obsolete as soon as possible.

edit: I suddenly wonder if it can be edited by anyone. If this is the case and someone do a prank, this is supposed to be code to add forum, forump, post, quote and spoiler around the selection in the reply box.
If it's no longer that, I will have to find another way to share it I guess.

edit to avoid double-post:
Another change I made is to put the content in "document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {" inside a if with that:

document.getElementById("comment_form").style.getPropertyValue("display") == "none" &&
document.getElementById("edit_form").style.getPropertyValue("display") == "none"

That way I'm not going to suddenly accidentally lose all my comment writing/tag editing when trying to fix something using left and right to navigate in a textbox.
04/21/22 08:28PM
Update 1.5.0 + 1.5.1
A few quality of life things, especially for posts.

* Artist links now work via (A) instead of ? since that functionality was added back.
* Unhidden blacklisted posts have a red border now for easy recognition.
* Double clicking an image now toggles between fit-to-screen and full zoom and only those two.
* You can click-drag an image to scroll the page.


Found a better method for handling fit-to-screen resizing for images so that's working fine now.
04/24/22 07:12PM
I don't know if the latest update did it or if the site updated but i'm no longer able to go through pools with the arrow keys.
04/24/22 08:16PM
Argonis said:
I don't know if the latest update did it or if the site updated but i'm no longer able to go through pools with the arrow keys.

Probably a site update that broke some specific method I'm using, fix shouldn't take too long though.
04/24/22 08:54PM
Update 1.5.2
* Fixed timestamp formatting in forum threads
* Fixed pool navigation
04/24/22 09:00PM
You awesome.
04/24/22 09:27PM
Detour said:
* Fixed timestamp formatting in forum threads
* Fixed pool navigation

Argonis said:
You awesome.

So awesome.
04/25/22 11:54PM
Detour said:
* Fixed timestamp formatting in forum threads
* Fixed pool navigation

Hell yea boyo (or girl-o)
04/26/22 01:44AM
TheMadPrince said:
Hell yea boyo (or girl-o)

Daylight come and we want go home?
04/26/22 05:48AM
Update 1.6.0
* Added footers to thumbnails similar to what the old site had (only displays post score and a color coded indicator of the image rating at the moment since I can't reliably generate direct links until I switch some things around)
* Switched comments on posts to use the improved timestamps that the forum uses
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