01/14/24 10:35PM
Any way to not display pics on the front page?
I have returned to the hub after a long time away, before the site migration and everything. I remember there was a way to upload pictures without them showing up on the front page, it was particularly useful when uploading CG sets and pictures with variations. I don't remember how it was done, nor if it's still the same. So please someone tell me, I tried looking through the help menus and they didn't help.

If there's no solution I'll simply upload slowly over a period of time.

EDIT: Besides the front page, there's also the matter of the page for the series the pics belong to. It's pokémon related, and I simply want to avoid huge clutter of similar mochi dance stuff from one artist in the general pokémon tag.
01/14/24 11:06PM
iirc, pic uploded as children of another pic won't show.
01/14/24 11:14PM
If they're not all part of a set, the best thing to do is just upload like 3 a day. If they ARE part of a set, then just parent every pic after the first one to the first pic in the set.
01/14/24 11:29PM
Some pics are part of a set (variations, direct continuations etc), but I'm not confident in saying they're all part of the same set. I'll use of my discretion when uploading, posting two or three "main" ones a day while adding their children.
I'm looking to translate them anyway so it's not like I need to dump them all at once.
Thanks for your time everyone.

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