05/04/24 10:24AM
Chi_exe said:
At this point I'd just love to see more (cute) male characters get hypnotized in general

100% behind that idea too!
05/05/24 04:27AM
manjumemajeur said:
Chi_exe said:
At this point I'd just love to see more (cute) male characters get hypnotized in general

100% behind that idea too!

Boys, boys, boys!! ♥ Screaming it to the heavens!
If my job didn't keep me so busy, I'd draw more cute hypnotized boys.
05/05/24 05:50AM
Boys frrrrr <3 <3 <3
05/06/24 11:55PM
not sure if this'd count, and also nothijng's there considering the update came very, VERY recently, but that golden cube from the rimworld anomaly dlc has some serious potential. an entire colony of hardened warriors crumbling into thralls for an indifferent inanimate object, or even potentially a great and vast psychic superintelligence?
theres barely any rimworld in general actually, which is funny, considering all the psychic drones and psychic soothes and joywires and stuff.
05/07/24 09:15PM
My top 3 would be Wave from Sonic, Kris from Pokémon and Toon Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh.
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