06/23/16 09:18PM
Myuk said:
Pl-Please be gentle with me

Jk any criticism can help me become better as an artist and please others :)

Though, I predict people will tell me to get a scanner or tablet, which I cannot do atm

Anything critical about anatomy is welcome considering I don't know much about it (never took any classes on it) and maybe even certain methods of hypnosis or fetishes that people would like to see (This pertains to the sequel of my series)

Honestly the fact you're doing a comic is a really good source of progression in of itself, since it'll naturally require you to do more poses and such that people'd usually not bother with [and ideally varying angles, backgrounds etc too]

If we take your current icon image as an example though, in anatomy terms, a few things do jump out. Particularly ana's arms. The upper arms look quite short in comparison to the forearms, and overall compared to the width of the torso, look a bit too much on the thin side. [I mean, I know it's anime and all but regardless...]

Generally drawing an object that's in front of you is better than drawing from a photograph. I have a suspicion you wont be able to swing attending anything like an organised life drawing class but if you can get someone to pose for you [...i dont mean naked] and do quick studies you might get a better grasp of relative proportions that way.

And here are a couple of fun proportion quick tricks that're good for everyone.
Hand <-> Face

Foot <--> Forearm

06/27/16 08:20PM
Forgot to reply in a reasonable time but thanks for the feedback guys, I'm gonna try to focus more on coloring with my studies.
07/02/16 07:40AM

Decided to try out a new process for colored sketches. What do you think of the result?
07/02/16 11:00AM
That's a good one.
07/02/16 01:20PM
I'm a little curious what you did to achieve it/how things would normally look, for comparison's sake. And I might darken the lines for the dress just a tad more but that's within the bounds of personal preference, I'd say.
07/02/16 03:09PM

I decided make the girl's colors bolder and the background a bit darker/more muted.
07/04/16 01:11AM
Requesting help proofreading and maybe improving a text (1200 words) for a 3-image poll I drew, since english is not my first language I think I screwed it somewhere
Pm me if interested

Edit: Pinkanator is on it. Ignore this thing
07/04/16 01:22AM
steek said:
Requesting help proofreading and maybe improving a text (1200 words) for a 3-image poll I drew, since english is not my first language I think I screwed it somewhere
Pm me if interested

Working on it, just a few tech issues. Give me a day or two.
07/15/16 10:41AM
So, anyone have some advice on hair? I've tried watching video tutorials, but almost every one I've found so far they are just so good at doing it, that they just do like 2-3 quick motions and suddenly it's gone from flat to perfect and I can't even tell what exactly they did.

Usually, when I try to do hair, instead it comes out as a single solid chunk no matter what I try. Such as this:
09/13/16 12:00AM
Character named "Andra" (not related to Zko's android OC) I helped Imasuky come up with for an MC story. Both of them are supposed to be her, with the left one being her more reserved and original persona, and the right one being the very opposite, as she's very promiscuous and lewd and loves to tease her reserved side.

Issue I'm having is that I want to make them look alike (as again, they're supposed to be the same person), yet I'm having some issues mainly with the proportions. Left one's same height as right one, despite one on right wearing heels + one on left having legs sorta bent. There's that, and the shoes on the left one look a bit big/clunky, but I can't really tell for sure.

Hopefully can ink + color it sometime over the weekend.
10/17/16 04:17AM
Does anyone have any critiques on me? Not just anatomy habits, but maybe the certain style of my work, the method of hypnosis I used? Any pet peeves with my preferences? I'd love to know : D
10/17/16 06:41AM
Myuk said:
Does anyone have any critiques on me? Not just anatomy habits, but maybe the certain style of my work, the method of hypnosis I used? Any pet peeves with my preferences? I'd love to know : D

Uhhhh, I mean, I haven't been following all of your work, but I can definitely say a lotta people here love what ya make for the most part.

If ya got any specific examples your concerned with I can see what to try and give feedback on. Only thing otherwise is Dazy is... <3
10/17/16 12:19PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Uhhhh, I mean, I haven't been following all of your work, but I can definitely say a lotta people here love what ya make for the most part.

If ya got any specific examples your concerned with I can see what to try and give feedback on. Only thing otherwise is Dazy is... <3

just any recent ones in general.
10/18/16 12:43AM
I wouldn't mind some feedback on my latest images. Evilka cake and the Crinoline ones especially
10/18/16 02:32AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
I wouldn't mind some feedback on my latest images. Evilka cake and the Crinoline ones especially

For the most part the pics/ideas themselves were relatively cute. Otherwise...
>The heads though (mainly the dress one) seem relatively small in proportion to that of the rest of their bodies.
>Bodies, or at least their arms, are relatively elongated, and on a side note, the girl with the peach(?)-colored dress is missing her right arm.
>Missed opportunity to have had the spinning dom's long hair also spin with her, rather than just have the motion lines imply it...
>A bit of a side-note, but I figure Evil-ka's supposed to be an evil version of Erika. For some reason though she seems kinda larger than her in size-comparison, unsure why though... [shrug]
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