06/01/17 07:38AM
End to an Era of a Sort
I've got some big news to share with everyone; neither good nor bad. I'll try to keep this succinct, of course, but most of us know that won't happen with me as the author. So, I'll jump straight to the point and then get on with explanations and details.

As of today, June 1'st 2017, I'm retiring from my position as Head Administrator of HypnoHub. Taking over my duties will be <<|Henry-killenger>>, who has been a Moderator and then Administrator of the Hub for a majority of its existence.

It's an end to an era of a sort. With Mindwipe's retirement long in place and my own starting this day, both of HypnoHub's founders will have left active service of the site.

There will be growing pains, I'm sure. The Hub has grown immense compared to the close-knit community it was in the days of its beginnings. It will take no small amount of effort to adapt, both on the part of the users and staff, to the ever-growing community here. I can only hope that we all approach the future confidently yet with caution and that the Hub has many years left to its future.

With the change in administration, expect there to also be changes in policy. I would go so far as to say that you should expect some sweeping changes just shy of policy reversals. These will just be more growing pains, as the Hub continues to progress with the changing times.

On a more personal note and in more personal tone, I have greatly enjoyed my time as Head Administrator of HypnoHub and Hypnobooru before it, for the whole time approaching four and a half years. It was a true pleasure to interact with each of you; and an even greater pleasure to build a place for our community, catered to our interests.

I don't make the decision to retire lightly. No, in fact, I have deliberated on it for nearly a year. My personal life has reached a delicate point where I must focus on it, with minimal distraction, to climb up and rise to whatever heights I am able. In other words, fuck am I busy. :P I just no longer have the time to give the Hub the attention and care it deserves.

Luckily, I'm not so busy that I need to abandon the Hub entirely. I will still be here when I get the chance. I will remain as a sort of "janitorial" administrator, dishing out moderation and administrative work and messing around the site with the rest of you when I have the free time to do so. And I'll still be around to help out with database and site software issues, since I'm pretty much the only one amongst the staff who understands it. :P

I'd like to wrap this up by once again stating that founding and running HypnoHub has been one of my most treasured experiences in my life. And no, even though I'm "leaving", you can't have my stuff. ;)
06/01/17 07:42AM
Best of luck to you. with the stuff in real life.
06/01/17 07:48AM
Oh well that's a shame. At least you're going to be staying around, so while the founders may not be in charge anymore, both are still around.
06/01/17 07:50AM
Darn, we can't have any of your stuff? JK, JK. But in all seriousness, it's been great to have you as the head admin, and I wish you the best of luck.
06/01/17 07:51AM
See you Space Cowboy.

Not sure what we're going to do now though. Far as I could tell, you're the only mod i fully trusted. Good luck man.
06/01/17 07:51AM
I will miss ya man even though i wasn't in your employment for long.
06/01/17 07:52AM
*tips hat* Good Luck mate.
06/01/17 07:56AM
Triple: i hope things go well and i hope you enjoy yourself i was never into looking at the deeper running of the hub but you and mindwipe did very good job at making this place so wonderful
06/01/17 08:03AM
it was great having you and i'm sure we'll all miss you. on the other note i wish the best of luck to henry-killenger with his new responsibilities. so best of luck to the both of you.
06/01/17 08:05AM
Been lurking for a while, and I'm going to miss your contributions around these parts. Best of luck wherever the hell you're goin'.
06/01/17 08:06AM
Hats off to ya, matey.
06/01/17 08:18AM
Vanndril said:
It will take no small amount of effort to adapt

Yeah, no, I'm ready to go. Have a good life!
But seriously, I only joined recently, and just by looking through posts of the past, I can tell that making this site what it is today was no simple task. As such, I want to thank you, not just for helping to found this site, but for caring for it until the point where there was no option other than leaving. Thank you, Vanndril, for your years of service (on a hypnosis porn website, but who cares about details).
06/01/17 08:21AM
Has it really been over four years since this community started? I still remember when we first started hypnohub and everyone was arguing about the layout. So many of us have come and gone, it's hard to keep it straight.

I know you'll still be around but it feels weird with leadership changing hands like this. Good luck to you man and I hope everything irl works out for ya.
06/01/17 08:23AM
Vann, thank you for making the hub an awesome place, I hope you'll stay with us, I salute you good sir
06/01/17 08:29AM
Good luck and good work.
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