01/05/14 04:57AM
Hypnosis and Mind Control in Video Games?
Weird how this thread hasn't been made on this site yet. (There was one on every other site.) This is a thread for video games that have mind control and hypnosis in them. A sort of game relevant discussion thread, if you will.

Come, all, share your thoughts and opinions among friends. I guarantee you they'll all remain unaltered. *lmtm*
01/05/14 05:18AM
In my eyes, one of the most prominent examples would be from the Mass Effect franchise and Reaper Indoctrination. Of course, instead of it turning me on, all I get is feelings of horror, insignificance and paranoia. Then somebody like Trishbot comes along and makes some fanart that manages it make it look kind of hot (goddammit!).

I also remember what Morinth does to Shepard if you can't pass the Paragon/Renegade check, which comes off as kind of erotic (with the FemShep, anyway). I also got jollies out of using her Dominate power on enemies to make the slaughter each other. Damn, that power would make some firefights piss easy.
01/05/14 06:10AM
I'm not into the whole lore of Pokemon, but I feel there is some serious MC stuff going on behind the scenes (particularly those pokeballs). Seriously, one moment this wild pokemon is trying to kill you, throw a pokeball at it, and BAM! It will follow your every command, not to mention you can erase/add/replace what they know.

In the alien vs predator lore (this appears in the alien vs predator beat-em-up arcade game), there is a kind of facehugger called the infectoid that apparently turns humans into zombie slaves to the hives (Predators apparently go completely insane and start murderizing everything)
01/05/14 08:12AM
The .hack//GU game series has an AI entity called AIDA that can infect players and control them, usually by amplifying negative aspects of their emotions. Basically corruption. Part 2 especially goes into that when Atoli (the main heroine) is infected and it goes into a lot of her emotional traumas (while also being kind of hot as well)

I've mentioned this before on another thread but the game series Destroy all Humans! uses Mind Control as one of it's central game play mechanics. In the game, you're a part of an aline race with hyper-advanced brains that you can use to read minds, hypnotize people, as well as telekinesis. The hypnotic commands you could give to non-story related targets is pretty basic (sleep, distract, follow me, etc) but it was still entertaining. The sequels even let you body-snatch people. Oh yeah, you also had a flying saucer and some laser guns to blow stuff up with but I think we all know what we're really interested in.
01/05/14 11:54AM
dinnerdog1 said:
I'm not into the whole lore of Pokemon, but I feel there is some serious MC stuff going on behind the scenes (particularly those pokeballs). Seriously, one moment this wild pokemon is trying to kill you, throw a pokeball at it, and BAM! It will follow your every command, not to mention you can erase/add/replace what they know.

I can't tell you how many times i've tried (and failed) to be funny when pointing out how messed up the pokeballs have to be in order to instantly domesticate a wild pokemon.

Only thing I can think of at the moment is Scribblenauts. You were able to make hypnotic items. Can't remember if they did much though.
01/05/14 02:12PM
strangeperson said:
I can't tell you how many times i've tried (and failed) to be funny when pointing out how messed up the pokeballs have to be in order to instantly domesticate a wild pokemon.

Only thing I can think of at the moment is Scribblenauts. You were able to make hypnotic items. Can't remember if they did much though.

I believe adding 'hypnotic' to items makes the NPCs move towards them and follow them around.
01/05/14 02:23PM

Only thing I can think of at the moment is Scribblenauts. You were able to make hypnotic items. Can't remember if they did much though.

It gave them the prefix "loyal", which means they should follow you around and (try to) protect you, but its not expressed to the degree of interest.

Theres headcrabs from half life, parasitic mind controlling lifeforms from an alternate dimension known as Xen, they only seem to be able to infect men though, as (much to my dismay) there are no female zombies in the game (maybe they both explode into saw blades?).

System shock 2 is all about a bio-mechanical hive organization that infects the entire crew of the von braun. This results in some rather morbid H.R. Giger inspired creations all attempting to assimilate/kill the player.

The Doom series has alot of demonic possession of the local scientists and guards, as many enemies are zombies of the before mentioned, although yet again no females are made into zombies(there was one in doom 3 whose head blew up into a flying maneating skull).
01/05/14 06:15PM
Resident Evil 4's main badguy Saddler takes direct control out of the barely legal president's daughter. Her head slumps, eyes change color and she does the no-speaking slow walk to his side. If the RE franchise wasn't so ---squicky with the biohazards--- I'd probably enjoy that more than I did. As it stands.... 6 out of 10.

Resident Evil 5 has Jill Valentine as Wesker's brainwashed slave until the gem on her chest is shot off. She exhibits no personality while in this state.

Persona 3 has the Lover's event where the main character is being seduced by the enemy shadow into making love with a female character who is in the shower. His head is foggy and words are pounding into his brain. You cannot do anything but overcome them, though.

Also Aigis is reprogrammed and used to fight the team during the final months. The final sprite on the second row shows her in "Mind Control" state

I have always had an affinity for Rinoa being totally and utterly dominated by Edea in the final scene of Disc 1 Final Fantasy VIII. She tries to approach the sorceress and defeat her single handedly. Without looking she picks her up in the air, takes full control of her mind and puppets her to walk on stage with her and be sacrificed for the crowd. During the scene she is swaying heavily and can barely keep her eyes open... I will admit, when I was young, that 4 seconds of FMV drove me far more crazy than it should have. Good graphics were hard to find back then.

Tales of Vesperia has Estelle kidnapped by the big bad and used as a weapon against you, so you get to fight her while she has delicious Fujishima artwork mind control eyes... aaah, Fujishima... *wistful sigh*

Collette and Presea gets those same eyes in Tales of Symphonia but it's less mind control and more "her soul is being hollowed out and she is becoming an unfeeling human puppet.

Lunar: Silver Star has a REALLY good example. The main love interest, Luna, is kidnapped by the big bad because she is the living avatar of the Goddess. He spends the entire time you're on adventure brainwashing her until you come across a village which has been plagued. When you reach the end of the dungeon you see her, empty eyed and singing a song that harms all who hear it. - Sprites

Then at the end of the game he has summoned the Goddess back into her body and uses her to purge the Earth and start anew. In this form she clings to him like her were her pimp and it's freaking delicious.

Malesub fans of course have Cloud being Sephiroth's puppet throughout FFVII (and I know malesub is a rarity, but I am surprised there is less of that in the community) and the first two Arkham games have Poison Ivy's mind controlled minions all singing songs of sweet devotion to her during her boss battles.

I'm sure I'll come up with more soon, those were the ones that sprung to mind right away.
01/05/14 10:09PM
Just remembered another one: Starcraft. There's loads of MC to choose from, both in the main game and side material; The infestation effects of the Zerg Swarm (Sarah Kerrigan, anyone?), the recruitment process of how Marines in the game are molded, the aptly named "Mind Control" power used by the Dark Archons (even though it drains all over their energy in the process) and more!

Then there was what Kerrigan did to Raszagal, which has some pretty strong lesbian overtones in her control over Ras.
01/05/14 10:57PM
There is the one part in Ocarina of Time where Nabooru gets mind controlled by the two witches...Zelda is always subtle but effective like that.
01/06/14 02:20AM
bellchan said:
Lunar: Silver Star has a REALLY good example. - Sprites

I was playing this game on PS1 for a while (didn't finish it yet ;n: probably won't) and I had no idea Luna becomes hypnotized at any point. My heart skipped when I saw the empty eyes sprite. O-M-G

Anyway, casting sleep on your fellow party members in Final Fantasy is a little kick~ There are other statuses like Confused (which turns on more people than you may expect!) and Berserk if you're into mindlessly angry females. I think everyone here knows the FF6 slave crown business...

01/06/14 08:00AM
Fallout 3 has the Mesmertron, which lets you enslave most characters or steal their stuff/swap their inventory.

Or sometimes it misfires and their heads explode, but still.

You get your brain removed at one point in New Vegas's DLC.
01/06/14 12:16PM
bellchan said:

Malesub fans of course have Cloud being Sephiroth's puppet throughout FFVII (and I know malesub is a rarity, but I am surprised there is less of that in the community) and the first two Arkham games have Poison Ivy's mind controlled minions all singing songs of sweet devotion to her during her boss battles.

There was also the Mad Hatter in Arkham City and Origins.
01/07/14 12:47AM
Deadpool has MC content in it, I kid you not. Stuff like being mind controlled to believe that you are at a pool party with lots of hot chicks instead of standing in the shower room of some half collapsed prison complex. Still absolutely hilarious (like the whole rest of the game, highly recommended) but it's still there.

There is also MC in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 4, where Psycho/Screaming Mantis control Meryl who tries to seduce Solid Snake with some pretty... hot stuff. It's a hidden easter egg in MGS4 though, you'll have to let Meryl grab you from behind while she is in controlled zombie mode in the first part of the boss fight(I recommend taking out the other zombies first and then lure puppet Meryl to the locked entrance through which Snake entered the room as Screaming Mantis' attacks can't reach you there and won't interrupt Meryil's otherwise harmless chockehold grab). Run in tiny circles right in front of her while constantly turning your back to her to trigger her grab attack instead of trying to shoot you with her gun.

There is a shit ton of MC in Beyond two Souls as well, there are few levels in the game where you can't possess and control someone with Aiden (taking full body control and the victim getting white wash eyes).

There is some pretty mind blowing mind control in Bioshock 1 as well, I won't spoiler that one though as it's a MASSIVE plot twist at the end of the game.

@JamesF: Lunar is awesome, I highely recommend getting it for the PSP for the awesome updated visuals. One of the best JRPGs out there.
01/08/14 02:57AM
There might have one scene of hypnosis in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, when Luigi must find a cure on a very dangerous place to save Mario from a bad mushroom (can't remember the exact scene), but as Luigi is so scared to go there, he's convinced to be hypnotized by a Koopa to make him believe he's Mario (and for sure, when he's looking in the mirror, we're seeing his reflect AS Mario)
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