12/29/18 10:31PM
Rules for Confronting Evil Fictional Hypnotists
Not quite a complete 100 like the evil overlord list, but here's a list of 80

1. Never confront them when sleepy and/or tired, it should be a no brainer why
2. Don't give them a chance to speak, inductions can sneak up on you very easily
3. Keep them on the defensive, the more time they have to think, the more likely they can hypnotize you
4. Blind them, if they need eye contact or need to see you to induce trance, this will make things easier
- 4a. Pepper spray is a good choice here; it blinds them, it'll likely keep their eyes shut, and it causes no lasting damage
5. Avoid confronting them if they're not alone, a moment's distraction from one of their thralls could be your undoing
6. Don't fight fair, gang up on them, throw sand in their eyes, do what ever it takes to keep your free will
7. Keep calm, anger will cloud your judgement and lead to a clouding of the mind
8. If you believe you've been hypnotized, have someone you trust check you for triggers and programming
- 8a. If you have no one you can trust, don't confront them, you don't know what they could have up their sleeves
9. A large amount of triggers won't work if the hypnotist is unable to talk or can't speak clearly
- 9a. More can be made useless by making the fingers useless; like finger snaps and sign language
10. Be sneaky, don't let them notice you until you're ready to be noticed
11. Do not confront them where they live or in their evil lair/club/workshop; especially if they specialize in technological mind control
12. Don't try to fight hypnosis with hypnosis if you have no experience with hypnosis, they're better than you at it
13. Try and gather info on the hypnotist, knowledge is power
14. Don't be afraid to run if things start going bad
15. Don't get over confident, always assume they have an ace in the hole
16. Knowing how to fight while blinded can be a useful skill
17. Don't take anything they offer you, especially food or drink
18. If you feel like something is wrong but have no idea what is wrong, something is majorly wrong, get out of there
19. Beware of music
20. Don't pretend to be entranced, they will either know you're faking or you'll quit faking
21. Avoid being overly contrary, that can be used to trick you into a trance
22. If things are desperate for you, blinding or deafening yourself can be a good last resort
23. Work out a way to tell if you've been hypnotized
24. If you witness a hypnotist going after one of their victims, stay still, stay silent; you can't help anyone if you become a victim too
25. Some hypnotists have patterns, they have certain kinds of people they go after, this can be exploited potentially
26. Don't assume you're immune to hypnosis, this makes you ten times more vulnerable at the least
27. If you remember being hypnotized, assume it's only a partial memory
28. If you can act without them spotting you or knowing you were there, do it; Discretion is the better part of valor
29. Beware of the puppet master's master and their master too
30. During a confrontation, have at least 3 escape routes planned
31. If working together with someone and they lose contact with you, assume they've been compromised
32. Do not monologue or reveal your secrets of resistance
33. If a part of you fantasizes about being enslaved, find a way to appease it before confronting the hypnotist; to not do it will make your desire become your cement shoes in an ocean of trance
- 33a. Denying this part of you will make it stronger
34. If the hypnotist had an induction fail to work on you, assume they were pretending to do an induction; don't lower your guard, don't get over-confident
35. If you were hypnotized into sex and did not forget it and your revenge plan is to hypnotize them for revenge sex; see rules 8 and 27
36. If you see a hypnotist use a trigger on your friend, be careful if you decide to use it too, it might not work for you or it might make your friend go into trance, sub due you, and call the hypnotist
37. If you're going to confront a hypnotist online through a social media site, don't use your home computer; use a computer at a public library a few cities away from you, do not use your real name when signing up to use a computer, make a temporary e-mail account to sign up to the media site, do not stay too long; You never know if the hypnotist has tech savvy slaves who can track you down
38. Fear pleasure more than pain, the first is far harder to resist
39. Often someone can't take their eyes off of an induction tool; but they can still move; charge forward and strike
40. Some say hypnosis cannot make you do things you don't want to; A hypnotist could trick you into doing this stuff; Don't want to strip? Oh, it's shower time or you're at the beach and have a swimsuit on under your clothes or you're too hot, getting ready for bed, or very messy; context is king.
41: If the hypnotist has taken over a large part of your town, discretely move, if you don't want to, it's likely too late for you
42. For vampires, wear sturdy neck protection, they might hypnotize you, but you'll make them be in needed of a dentist for a chipped tooth
43. On Vampire weaknesses, it pays to know what kind of vampire you're dealing with; many different kinds, many different weaknesses
44. If you can't protect your free will, make them regret taking it; make them pay dearly for it
45. Planning for a zombie outbreak is a good start for planning for a mindless hypno slave outbreak
46. If you're trapped in their base, run, you might find an escape route even if it does seem hopeless
47. Paranoia can be a good thing to have, but too much is as bad as too little
48. Gum, extra chewy gum, keep some on you, offer it to the hypnotist; odds are they'll not accept it; but if they do, they'll not be making verbal inductions; PB&J sandwiches can work too; but those are harder to carry around
49. Beware if the hypnotist has a smoking habit; lighters make good induction tools and the smoke could be drugged
50. Odd smells are dangerous, beware of them
51: Beware of friends overly insisting you see a hypnotist show
52. If a hypnotist says you're unhypnotizable, they have already hypnotized you and made you forget
53. Keep a good track of time; note when you left, when you arrived, and when you got back, if you're missing time, consult rule 8
54. A master can be a woman, but a Mistress is usually always a woman
55. Confronting a hypnotist in their dreams or inside of their own virtual world is worse than confronting them where they live/work/plot evilly
56. Spiral Disks only work well when they're clean; splatter them with some paint/mud/etc. and they're useless
57. Avoid big meals, they can make you sluggish and sleepy
58. Know where the hypnotist is at all times and know what they're doing at all times, not knowing can be bad
59. If you don't think you've been hypnotized, consult rule 8 anyway
60. If the hypnotist uses hypnotic music, avoid approaching them, if you must approach, use very high quality noise cancellation headphones that fit very well, if you can't get an exact fit, get them tighter than needed
61. An air horn can be useful in some cases, surprise the hypnotist, wake up victims, drown out inductions
62. Do not accept bribes, they will bite you in the ass later
63. Pendants that use a beautiful/mystical gem, might lose power if the gem gets too dirty
64. Beware of innocent hypnotists, they may not be so innocent
65. When dealing with a video from a hypnotist, always have the mouse over the pause button and your finger on the mouse; if an induction begins, click pause and fast forward past that to see what they're up to
66. If on the run, buy a plane ticket to a location, a train ticket to another, a bus/boat ticket to a third place, talk about how you're going on vacation to a fourth place, and drive yourself to a fifth; they will spend their time going to locations A, B, C, and D and will likely never consider E even exists
67. Confronting a hypnotist and looking for clues as a group is not Scooby Doo, never split up; the hottest woman among you will likely end up doing a circus act
68. If you take medication that makes you drowsy randomly, don't confront them, luck will screw you just as much as they will
69. Treat hypnotists powerful enough to ensnare you with a single look into your eyes like a gorgon
70. Be wary of animals kept by a hypnotist, they might be the true evil mastermind or might be hypnotic as well
71. Cool guys don't look at explosions or fire, be a cool guy, avoid a flame based induction
72. Don't steal magical induction tools, far too many things can backfire on you
73. When dealing with female hypnotists, they don't need a pocket watch, their bodies can be just as hypnotic
74. Never lose hope, things are only hopeless when you lose hope
75. Beware the cavalry, with hypnosis you can never be sure who they're here for
76. If you notice any missing numbers, refer to number 8, if number 8 is missing, you're screwed
- 76a. Did you just go back to reread all that to make sure every number was there?
77. Beware of big snakes
78. If your brainwashed friend after a fight seems to come back to their senses, beware, they can likely be triggered back into their brainwashed state
79. If you need glasses or contacts to see well, try to be wearing glasses, removing them could save you from a visual induction
80. Be careful trying to steal info from a hypnotist's computer, there might be hypnotic traps on it; like TV Tropes
12/30/18 12:43AM
12/30/18 01:34AM
So basically just start punching them as soon as you're in the same room?

Edit: Also scream while doing this.
12/30/18 01:45AM
MingusKingus said:
So basically just start punching them as soon as you're in the same room?

Edit: Also scream while doing this.

Also a pointing out of common mistakes
12/30/18 02:49AM
So, be as prepared as Batman, but when you meet them, crush their hands, cut their tongue and gouge their eyes out.

Got it.

(Nice list, though. Some of the stuff seems obvious, but it's nice to be reminded of it.
Now, I wonder how such kind of list would look like on the hypnotist's side)
12/30/18 04:36AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
So, be as prepared as Batman, but when you meet them, crush their hands, cut their tongue and gouge their eyes out.

Got it.

(Nice list, though. Some of the stuff seems obvious, but it's nice to be reminded of it.
Now, I wonder how such kind of list would look like on the hypnotist's side)

Nah, you don't have to be prepared as batman, you can leave the shark repe- no, wait, keep the shark repellent. They have sharks with freaking hypno laser beams.
12/30/18 09:56AM
My kind of post.
12/30/18 10:09AM
So, I guess I've found the ultimate technique.
12/30/18 11:53AM
Or train yourself to see the world solely through touch and confront the hypnotist blindfolded, earplugged, and wearing an industrial grade gas mask.

12/30/18 01:36PM
GrandDad said:
Or train yourself to see the world solely through touch and confront the hypnotist blindfolded, earplugged, and wearing an industrial grade gas mask.

But what if their hypnosis is touch-based?
12/30/18 01:40PM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
But what if their hypnosis is touch-based?

no such thing exists
12/30/18 03:25PM
The ultimate anti-hypnotist weapon.
12/30/18 06:25PM
GrandDad said:
no such thing exists

Tactile hypnosis is a thing
12/30/18 07:37PM
(66. If on the run, buy a plane ticket to a location, a train ticket to another, a bus/boat ticket to a third place, talk about how you're going on vacation to a fourth place, and drive yourself to a fifth; they will spend their time going to locations A, B, C, and D and will likely never consider E even exists.)

This isnt an advice for only mind control specific ones, if you're paranoid enough or being hunted this is the best ways.

(32. Do not monologue or reveal your secrets of resistance)

Everyone in Shonen should learn this, seriously.

And Remember Silence/Mute/Blind Spell is your best freinds, and FlashBang if you have one, OR just strike to kill them?

Great Contents 9/11. Plz make more
12/30/18 08:10PM
skullman2033 said:
Tactile hypnosis is a thing


theratofapocalypse said:
(66. If on the run, buy a plane ticket to a location, a train ticket to another, a bus/boat ticket to a third place, talk about how you're going on vacation to a fourth place, and drive yourself to a fifth; they will spend their time going to locations A, B, C, and D and will likely never consider E even exists.)

This isnt an advice for only mind control specific ones, if you're paranoid enough or being hunted this is the best ways.

(32. Do not monologue or reveal your secrets of resistance)

Everyone in Shonen should learn this, seriously.

And Remember Silence/Mute/Blind Spell is your best freinds, and FlashBang if you have one, OR just strike to kill them?

Great Contents 9/11. Plz make more

MC is one of the few places where villain monologuing is bad.

most of these came from a thread I made on MCStory's forum, others had more, but I only transferred mine over; some of mine were also cut due to them being too similar to other entries on the list or got rephrased


like there, I welcome others making entries
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