05/05/24 07:36PM
Hello. I'd like the manip that I posted to be removed since the person who commissioned it has a hypnosis version and he requested it be deleted.

Accidents will happen. Post: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=204968
05/05/24 10:39PM
05/09/24 05:15AM
Tag editing is locked on post #194047. Can a mod add the tag "penis"?
05/15/24 11:42AM
Trying to update my blacklist just deleted my entire fucking blacklist.

There's no chance that's stored in a cookie somewhere I can pull it back out from right?

"Settings Failed. CSRF not found or expired" is the error it gave me before deleting everything.

Now my blacklist isn't working at all, with no changes to cookies or javascript.
05/16/24 12:24AM
Timo4545 said:
Trying to update my blacklist just deleted my entire fucking blacklist.

There's no chance that's stored in a cookie somewhere I can pull it back out from right?

"Settings Failed. CSRF not found or expired" is the error it gave me before deleting everything.

Now my blacklist isn't working at all, with no changes to cookies or javascript.

It's always worth it to try logging out and back in and seeing if that fixes the issue, otherwise I'm sorry to say but you're probably out of luck. The site saves your blacklist on the server and not your cookies so there wouldn't be anything to restore it from.
05/20/24 09:38PM
Why was this flagged for deletion? hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=206842
05/20/24 10:57PM
master226 said:
Why was this flagged for deletion? hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=206842

05/20/24 11:44PM
Detour said:
master226 said:
Why was this flagged for deletion? hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=206842


Spiral eyes no longer count as MC?
05/21/24 02:25AM
master226 said:
Spiral eyes no longer count as MC?

It's worth mentioning that people can flag any post for any reason, doesn't mean that that reason is legitimate or that the post is actually getting removed.
05/31/24 07:20PM
I got some new information regarding the blacklist situation people talked about in that other thread.

I got a whole bunch of random blacklists all at once. Sometimes they get unblocked in a minute. Other times they take ages. No rhyme or reason to any of it.


I didn't get a screen of that as proof, but at some point, it included my own uploads... and it seemed like it will stay that way for a while, so I checked a couple other browsers.

At least on my end the issue seems endemic to Firefox(I say seem, because who even knows what's happening to the site at this point). Brave and the android version of Chrome display the images just fine. I deleted the hhub cache on Firefox just to be sure it's not something else. I also logged out. No change.

Maybe there is some setting in some browsers specifically turned on or off that does not play nice with the blacklist function, and if there is, I'd like to know what that is?

Otherwise, someone please call Slayerduck to fix this. The tags and the stats page and what have you are just annoying the way they are, but this is basic functionality.
06/01/24 08:05AM
There's more reports of blacklist issues in the bug report forum: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105951

If Slayerduck only checks that thread, it may be worth posting your findings over there too.
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