08/17/13 05:48AM
What do the stars mean underneath pictures on here? Some have then golden, others are black. Can anyone explain this?
08/17/13 05:50AM
Pretty sure they have something to do with the resolution of the pictures
08/17/13 06:01AM
Black = low-med res
Faded Red = High res or larger
Green = Post has child posts
Yellow = Post is a child post
Bright Red = Post has been flagged for deletion
08/17/13 06:02AM
Mindwipe said:
Black = low-med res
Faded Red = High res or larger
Green = Post has child posts
Yellow = Post is a child post
Bright Red = Post has been flagged for deletion

Ah, thanks mate.
08/17/13 08:36AM
That means that all of mine are awful quality and I wish to know how to fix that...
08/17/13 08:38AM
Jack said:
That means that all of mine are awful quality and I wish to know how to fix that...

Huh? What do you mean? The stars have nothing to do with quality.
08/17/13 08:46AM
Sorry I meant resolution wise.
Like black stars mean low resolution, and all mine have black stars under them, so they're low res and i'd like to know how to make them higher res.
08/17/13 08:51AM
Resolution refers to the number of pixels. In other words, its size. So, to make them higher res, you just make them bigger. High res is, I believe, 1600 pixels wide or 1200 pixels tall (this software may go by a different measurement). Anything below that is designated "<highres" and gets a black star.

It doesn't mean anything. It's mostly a warning. Because, if you click the star, it takes you straight to the full res image. The red star means "heads up, this pic is kinda big".
08/17/13 08:54AM
It's fun to learn things.
08/17/13 05:09PM
Note that making it bigger in MS paint or something will not improve image quality, even if you increase the resolution.

The only way to make a low-res image higher-res is to find a better source pic using (e.g. using Google Image Search).

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