2016-08-03 08:37:57
>> #117985
Brainwasher said:
hello there cutie i see you're enjoying music. It's relaxing isn't it it makes you feel obedient. hey i like you, how about you come back tomorrow to audition for a "job".

Why come back tomoro when she can have fun with her... Now?
2016-08-03 08:34:24
>> #117980
hello there cutie i see you're enjoying music. It's relaxing isn't it it makes you feel obedient. hey i like you, how about you come back tomorrow to audition for a "job".
2016-03-10 18:11:02
>> #92742
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Or maybe too bad : D
But she is just drawn that way ...

Gaaaaawwwwwddddd >____________<
2016-03-05 05:45:46
>> #92097
2016-03-05 05:28:09
>> #92095
Yeah, I'll be in my bunk...
2016-03-05 01:23:21
>> #92049
Daisy do u have a kik
2016-03-04 16:49:03
>> #92007
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Peach's face of helplessness is superb, and also, the fact that a heel is missing add something even more erotic.
I love feet.

Gotta agree with you on this, this is a great drawing!
2021-11-19 21:43:57
>> #446254
lickitup said:
Anime isn’t shown to kids?

That's not what I said. I said anime like this isn't shown to kids in Japan. This type of anime is geared more towards adults and airs late at night when most children are asleep. Think of it like how Adult Swim is here in the US (or if you're as old as me, Toonami Midnight Run).
2021-11-19 12:57:12
>> #446223
Mindwipe said:
Not sure if it's what you meant, but anime like this isn't shown to kids in Japan. This kind of thing tends to air late at night and usually not on the same stations as more kid-oriented anime.

Anime isn’t shown to kids? Must be a US thing only then. DBZ became a hit here due to Toonami though, which means a lot of young people must’ve seen more mature anime

2021-11-19 05:36:26
>> #446197
lickitup said:
So US gives children fetishes like Kaa while Anime gives everything else

Not sure if it's what you meant, but anime like this isn't shown to kids in Japan. This kind of thing tends to air late at night and usually not on the same stations as more kid-oriented anime.

2021-11-19 05:23:46
>> #446193
So US gives children fetishes like Kaa while Anime gives everything else
2018-05-29 06:34:01
>> #254582
hypno94 said:
The only time I got a trobbing erection from an anime lol this definitely came out of nowhere

This really was a hot Embryo is an ass, but I don't know his chrisma makes me love him as a villain <3
2016-07-02 21:55:54
>> #112397
Pastel-Daemon said:
So what is Gale an allegory for?

Us, viewing the photos
2016-04-11 23:34:32
>> #98611
ChefPyro said:
Plot twist: The radio station is an allegory for Hypnohub.

So what is Gale an allegory for?
2016-04-11 23:32:45
>> #98610
Pinkanator said:
Haven't we all?

Plot twist: The radio station is an allegory for Hypnohub.
2016-04-11 23:09:46
>> #98605
ChefPyro said:
Long story short, her main motivation for keeping the radio station going is because it's her only source of hypnotic audio, to which she has developed an addiction.

Haven't we all?
2016-03-04 22:45:18
>> #92027
ChefPyro said:
Long story short, her main motivation for keeping the radio station going is because it's her only source of hypnotic audio, to which she has developed an addiction.

i mean...if i could show up to my job in a tanktop and underwear i wouldn't leave either...regardless of hypnosis~
2016-04-24 03:37:11
>> #100547
ladyredwitch said:
This. I have seriously never encountered a manip artist(is that the right term? Not sure) who's work I enjoy so much as yours. You focus on just the right details, represent the brain drain *so fucking well,* and leave enough room for the imagination to run insanely wild. There's a reason I first suggested you set up a website and maybe take commissions, because when you do, I am *so* forking over my dollars for this.

With regards to this specific piece, my only complaint is that there isn't *more.* The change has really just started to heat up when you escalate it to the end. I'd love to see something like this, but drawn out a little further, and with more dialogue at the "end stage" where she's just babbling stupid nonsense...that stuff gets me every time. :3 Regardless, jesus, this may be my favorite one you've done so far. Keep up the good work, PLEASE!

LRW, you took the words.. RIGHT OUT OF MY BRAIN.
2016-03-14 11:32:38
>> #93230
Theacds said:
Well, rip stream. Always excited to see new caps! Or is it captions...--manips. Right, manips are different...

How did I miss this one for so long, anyways?

Theres some manipping but mostly making captions, yeah. Glad you're enjoying! Not sure how you missed it. Perhaps I am just a sexy ninja of sneaky posting? Speaking of, I need to get on my next one. :D

Also, I notice somebody took the bimbofication tag off. Not that I mind, but I seem to recall bimbofication automatically getting attached to my stuff when I put Brain Drain on it, so I thought this site had them intrinsically connected.
2016-03-11 07:21:05
>> #92795
Well, rip stream. Always excited to see new caps! Or is it captions...--manips. Right, manips are different...

How did I miss this one for so long, anyways?
2016-03-05 03:48:32
>> #92080
Sorez said:
Brain drain/bimbofication is probably my top fetish of all time, so I'm always super excited to see your work!

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying. Obviously it's my favorite fetish, too! ^-^
2016-03-05 03:20:25
>> #92071
Brain drain/bimbofication is probably my top fetish of all time, so I'm always super excited to see your work!
2016-03-04 22:27:29
>> #92026
So has anyone actually watched the show? Is there hypnosis in it?
2016-03-04 17:53:50
>> #92013
A piece about an old children's book character that looks like it was drawn by Mike of Penny Arcade. Wow. That's... interesting.
2016-03-04 08:09:58
>> #91957
Biggiebig84 said:
I agree. But, that's obvious, right?

better obvious than oblivious
2016-03-04 08:04:39
>> #91953
Myuk said:
the girl looks cute

I agree. But, that's obvious, right?
2016-03-04 07:42:18
>> #91948
the girl looks cute
2018-02-24 03:43:49
>> #236241
anon9 said:
She doesn't have a nose. There, i ruined it for everyone who looks at the comment section.

2016-03-04 20:34:18
>> #92020
She doesn't have a nose. There, i ruined it for everyone who looks at the comment section.
2016-03-04 10:42:29
>> #91988
I watched Who framed Roger Rabbit yesterday because of Cinema Sins. And now this.
2016-03-04 09:31:35
>> #91978
Just wait until he slips out of those restraints in time to make Jessica fall off the bed.
2016-03-04 07:43:04
>> #91949
Tyrranus said:
Im sure foot fetishists will love it tho lol

If Roger wasn't there, sure.
2016-03-04 07:40:24
>> #91947
It looks fine, I've seen plenty doujin that didn't look half as good.
2016-03-04 07:06:57
>> #91945
Sorry for the poorly-executed bubble replacement for the sound effect - I couldn't figure out a good way to remove the original Japanese. Perhaps I should've just left it as it was... it's not like it wasn't pretty obvious what it was supposed to be :)
2016-03-04 09:36:29
>> #91980
Look at Adiago and Sunset's determined expressions. Whatever it is they're doing, they're going to WIN.

The source only tells us the guy in the middle is being hypnotized to force feed them by his amulet there. That's all the information we get.
2016-03-04 06:52:39
>> #91942
I am as confused as I am aroused.
2016-03-04 06:45:13
>> #91941
Which begs the question: Who is the mind controller and why are they doing this
2016-03-04 06:08:26
>> #91934
Very nice. It's like the you took every word from the picture, and made it a story.
2016-03-04 05:10:33
>> #91929
I really liked this post
but there were a few things that bugged me about it so I started doctoring it up and got a little carried away...

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