05/11/24 02:16AM
Official HypnoHub Lexicon
Let's create our own words! I've always been fascinated with building new words. Let's make a jargon that is exclusive to this community.

We can further define tags or create something new. Think of this thread as something like Urban Dictionary but for the Hub.
05/11/24 04:27AM
LillyTank said:
Let's make a jargon that is exclusive to this community.

Can you give an example? Like, something you wish a word existed for?

From the Canadian Encyclopedia (www.thecanadianencycloped...ut-words-for-snow-and-ice), there are several Inuit words to distinguish between types of ice / snow:

qanik snow falling
aputi snow on the ground
pukak crystalline snow on the ground
aniu snow used to make water
siku ice in general
nilak freshwater ice, for drinking
qinu slushy ice by the sea

What are we distinguishing that isn't already covered by existing tags?

I know the word "fractionation" is basically exclusive to the hypnokink community... but that's not exclusive to the Hub. Maybe it'd be better to suggest words that both communities can use?
05/11/24 10:20AM
Not quite sure if this is what you meant, but what springs to mind is how the word "tist" is unique to our community. Technically just a shortening of "hypnotist", but that shortening is only used by hypno-fetishists (at least as far as I've ever seen).
05/11/24 02:08PM
this post has the same energy as my posts and i was surprised i haven't thought of this concept, i guess i was too busy fantasizing about latex drones
05/11/24 02:23PM
There are no wrong answers for this thread. It's just meant to be a place where you can post whatever word or phrase you can think of that relates to the theme of this site.

I could give an example, like the word I made up, "psymicon," but that's just one example. Anything is okay to post as long as you're being respectful.

One thing, though, is that maybe you could put your word in the title section before defining it.
05/11/24 02:25PM
A person with a "Saimin Complex."

A psymicon is an individual who enjoys hypnotism and mind control in both spiritual and non-platonic ways. A psymicon is, in a sense, a type of hypnosis-fetishist, but differs distinctly in that psymicon are solely interested in hypnosis and have no other fetishes. They are also asexual and, as such, are indifferent to sexual intercourse and nudity. Additionally, a psymicon can also be considered a form of pansexuality as they are attracted to a state of mind, having aesthetic preferences play a secondary role in their attraction.

The term is a play on words derived from the Japanese word “saimin” (written 催眠 in kanji), which means "hypnotism" in that language, and the word "psyche," which means "mind" in the English language.

By replacing the beginning syllable "sai-"with the prefix "psy-" the word "psymicon" or "psymi-con" becomes an effort to emphasize the fact that psymicon are interested in the occurrences of the mind rather than that of the body. The suffix follows the same convention of words like loli-con, shota-con, bro-con, and sis-con, meaning "complex." In this sense, the term "complex" is used positively and colloquially and not in its typical, more negative meaning.

In summation, a psymicon is a pan-asexual with a singular fetish for hypnotism and mind control.

Example 1: I enjoy hypnosis scenes only when watching hypnosis JAVs. Perhaps, I'm a psymicon.

Example 2: I couldn't help but stare when they looked so cute, spaced out, and droopy-eyed. It's my nature as a psymicon.
05/11/24 02:44PM
Tist is a good one and so is fractionation although I've heard that used outside kink when talking about general hypnotism

Quite a few tags would need explaining to people outside the side. I remember having to explain "Kaa-eyes" to someone (lead to whole awkward Kaa discussion) and the other day I was talking to a someone about a "PING!" expression which would also leave people confused I'm sure

Plus lost count of the words I've heard for being hypnotised/tranced. Just yesterday someone told me they'd been "Zooted" which is a new one to me
05/11/24 06:38PM
LillyTank said:
...the Japanese word “saimin” (written 催眠 in kanji), which means "hypnotism" in that language...

Right. Loanwords.

Sennou, Sen'nō ( 洗脳 )
Not to be confused with "saimin", "sennou" means "brainwash" or "brainwashing".


Now that I think about it, we could use some words to describe the different levels / kinds of trance - i.e. a word used to describe someone who is deep enough to respond to a trigger to fall back into trance or forget their name, but not deep enough to do whatever you say.
05/11/24 11:36PM
anonlv000 said:
Right. Loanwords.

Not quite. It could be that, but also neologisms, word shortenings, portmanteaus, conlangs, and other morphological aspects.

That being said, I'm not sure artificially constructing slang for a niche within a niche hobby is very poggers.
05/12/24 04:13PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:

That being said, I'm not sure artificially constructing slang for a niche within a niche hobby is very poggers.

Do you care to elaborate?
05/12/24 07:20PM
LillyTank said:
Sir_Lurksalaot said:

That being said, I'm not sure artificially constructing slang for a niche within a niche hobby is very poggers.

Do you care to elaborate?

No, because that ruins the joke of a 40-year-old saying "poggers"
05/12/24 11:44PM
LillyTank said:
Sir_Lurksalaot said:

That being said, I'm not sure artificially constructing slang for a niche within a niche hobby is very poggers.

Do you care to elaborate?

i would say that trying to create new slang is like trying to give yourself a nickname, if that makes sense. it would only make sense to people "in the know", and you're left having to explain to anyone who asks "what does that mean". which is going to be a lot of people, given that *maybe* 30% of hub users actually use the forums
05/13/24 01:06AM
loganblast39 said:
i would say that trying to create new slang is like trying to give yourself a nickname, if that makes sense. it would only make sense to people "in the know", and you're left having to explain to anyone who asks "what does that mean". which is going to be a lot of people, given that *maybe* 30% of hub users actually use the forums

I see. I've never really understood how slang or nicknames work. I know that words develop through repeated usage via communication, but I didn't think that they had to be established by someone other than the one they apply to.

I created the term "psymicon" to define myself since I had never met anyone like me. Without a word to describe something/someone, how would anyone know that there are others out there? Then, I thought this would be an excellent place to leave any words we made since they don't always get to Urban Dictionary. Additionally, if sites like Urban Dictionary exist, then maybe any site can host its own lexicon.

All I know is that the word "psymicon" is significant to me, so I wanted to make a place where other people could leave words that were important to them.

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
No, because that ruins the joke of a 40-year-old saying "poggers"

Understandable. Have a nice day.
05/13/24 01:52AM
LillyTank said:
I see. I've never really understood how slang or nicknames work. I know that words develop through repeated usage via communication, but I didn't think that they had to be established by someone other than the one they apply to.

welcome to linguistics 101, you can't force a word or phrase to go trending no matter how hard you try and how many times you repeat i mean have you ever watched mean girls , if no else except you adopt said word or phrase it just dies right there
05/13/24 12:08PM
LillyTank said:
I created the term "psymicon" to define myself since I had never met anyone like me. Without a word to describe something/someone, how would anyone know that there are others out there?

Really? I've met quite a few asexual hypnofetishists. Which seems to be what you're describing there.
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