05/17/24 06:03AM
Using AI voice generation / TTS tools for posts and comics (for personal use)
So recently I've been thinking about what it would be like to use AI TTS programs to generate voices for some of my favorite captions, posts, and comics. For example, I really enjoy some of Kamen Writer's works, but I simply couldn't afford to hire voice actors to voice the entirety of some very long comics.

Having said that, the ethics around AI are very touchy, and even moreso when it would involve using models which use real voices as training data, and would mean creating voices for someone else's work. So I wouldn't really want to post anything I make to the hub or anywhere else, just have something for personal use that (presumably) could turn out very hot when used correctly.

I looked around and couldn't really find much about AI voice generation being used for erotic purposes, and finding free programs is also difficult (though understandable considering how much work must go into creating the models). So I was wondering if anyone else had any luck using AI TTS for hypnosis erotica.
05/17/24 05:59PM
if i were you i would refrain from using the forbidden words/phrases on the hub, as users can easily turn aggressive if startled
05/17/24 07:29PM
Here ya go


Testing right now, the first program works very well. Just so you know, the installation can be a little gimmicky.

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