07/30/13 01:15AM
It begins
Conversions are never perfect, its either this or manual uploads.


Tag list in /post left sidebar behaviour

The tag list in the sidebar in the posts index only shows tags of types circle, copyright, artist and character of posts that were uploaded in the last 24 hours by default (this can be configured in config/default_config.php > $post_index_tags_limit). If no posts were created within the time limit, or any of those posts don't contain any of the mentioned type of tags, the sidebar will show empty. If you suddenly see your sidebar is empty, this may be the reason.
08/03/13 02:48AM
----------- USER ACCOUNTS ------------
User Accounts were not imported. We tried, but it didn't work out. Ended up with all sorts of password problems, so we were forced to clear the list.
08/16/13 10:07AM
Everyone can use this thread to discuss the new site. Welcome to the hub, everyone!
08/16/13 10:16AM
Gonna take a while to get used to this new set-up but it really is a labor of love. You guys should be proud.
08/16/13 10:23AM
Congrats on getting this running!
*works on a celebratory pic* ^^
08/16/13 10:40AM
sleepymaid said:
Congrats on getting this running!
*works on a celebratory pic* ^^

Thanks! I look forward to this celebratory pic, too. :D
08/16/13 10:46AM
I hope we'll eventually get a custom banner with the Hypnochan mascot and new counters (our old ones don't work as well on this background, and there's something weird preventing us from changing the background color).
08/16/13 10:50AM
Mindwipe said:
and there's something weird preventing us from changing the background color.

Hah, yeah! Javascript breaks when I edit the line in the .css for the background color. XD DAMNED if I know how that breaks it, but I'm not so worried.

08/16/13 10:55AM
Wow guys! This is great! Exceeds my expectations a millionfold, and thank you very much slayerduck. I can't wait for it to get moving!
08/16/13 11:02AM
Oh, some of you may notice some weird resizing with some pics. Basically, our automatic resizer was set a little low when we did the site transfer, so some pics that didn't need to be resized were anyway. It's fixed now, but there's no way to retroactively adjust the old posts.
08/16/13 11:58AM
Yay, new site! Thank you everyone who's involved in running it!
08/16/13 01:28PM
Well. When I get on my comp, I hope to set more things up.

Glad I already up put a blacklist for diaper and urination tags. Disturbing stuff.

Also, I see that you guys are already past 8000 posts, and adding even more.

Still, I'm gonna miss hypno booru. Just gotta remember this site now.
08/16/13 01:36PM
just got here through the news gonna have to fave all the stuff again also i could not set my avatar and i was using Google crome but i could set it up using firefox.
08/16/13 04:55PM
Remember a while back when a gallery of samples was posted on to advertise hypno.booru? Perhaps it would be an idea to add a few more choice samples to bump the gallery to the top of e-hentai's list coupled with an announcement of the site's move?
08/16/13 04:56PM
I'd hate to ruin the moment but it appears there's a misspelling in the title. On my tab it just says 'HynoHub.' If this was intentional due to some character limit in the title then disregard what I just said.
that aside

Time to follow sleepymaid's lead and make some kind of commemorative pic. Let's see what I've got.
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