03/28/21 05:18PM
Is it okay to use actually text inductions in a manip?
I think I mention I wanted to try this almost a year ago, but I have gotten pretty good with text based inductions and I wanna try working it into a manip. Problem is, I just realized there's a chance that would cause issues, so I just wanna ask if it's allowed? I of course would put a warning at the top, and it would end with a wake up call. This doesn't mean the manip itself will be an IRL pic, just the text used can actually induce a trance.

If it's not allowed I understand! I thank you for your time, and have a great day!
03/28/21 05:28PM
Well, depending on your susceptibility a lot of here could already cause a trance for subs, from spirals to swinging stuff to hypnotic tits, as well as lots of potential triggers like the classic "good girl" and I totally just wrote food girl first. I honestly think it's not that dangerous when you're not a sub willing to get tranced in the first place, meaning I don't think people who read it and don't actually intend to be tranced in the first place will be affected.

I mean yeah, chances are you reading it yourself won't affect you personally unless you want to, so why should it affect others? Especially if they aren't subs.

I'd go as far and say that a text based induction is even more harmless on someone not willing than say a spiral gif.
03/28/21 05:32PM
Thanks a bunch! I'll see what I can throw together while still keeping a good quality to the writing and editing! You're a big help!
03/28/21 05:51PM
MaidMakerBoy said:
Thanks a bunch! I'll see what I can throw together while still keeping a good quality to the writing and editing! You're a big help!

You're welcome (: not that I doubt your induction skills, but chances are that they are not so powerful they'd work against individuals who don't actually want to be tranced from a single read only, and if they do I welcome you as our new world overlord and see where you can sneak them to take over the world.
03/28/21 07:23PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
You're welcome (: not that I doubt your induction skills, but chances are that they are not so powerful they'd work against individuals who don't actually want to be tranced from a single read only, and if they do I welcome you as our new world overlord and see where you can sneak them to take over the world.

I just posted it! Feel free to check it out when you have the chance! I don't know if I'm allowed to link it here though, also help with tags would be much appreciated!
03/28/21 07:27PM
I have definitely been affected by things here, especially since I seem to have a tendency to browse while somewhat tranced anyways... Like unless it's that situation, you're not going to have it happen unwillingly, typically. But it can be a fun bonus.
03/28/21 09:49PM
JenJen said:
I have definitely been affected by things here, especially since I seem to have a tendency to browse while somewhat tranced anyways... Like unless it's that situation, you're not going to have it happen unwillingly, typically. But it can be a fun bonus.

Yeah, that's happened to me before, that's why I asked if it was okay to do it intentionally.

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