04/02/21 04:41PM
Interested in making a hypno hentai game
Just like what the title says. I wanna make a hypno hentai game. Something simple, similar to Vandrill's Touhou hypno games, but I don't really want to make people download a whole game engine just to play it. I can write to a satisfactory degree, and make image manips of reasonable quality too, but I'm 0% a programmer. What are some programs that you guys would recommend?
04/02/21 07:36PM
Well, the ones that people usually go with are Twine, RAGS, Ren'py or RPG Maker. There's also TyranoBuilder, which is less popular but absolutely usable.

Of those, Ren'py and Tyrano are the main visual novel creators. The Touhou games you mention were, I believe, made in RAGS. Twine is more HTML-style, while RPG Maker obviously is not strictly intended for VN's, and tends to require more effort when it comes to gameplay, assets, and especially map design.

From my limited experience, both RAGS and Twine are fairly easy to get into, though RAGS is relatively obsolete at this point and feels tedious and buggy to create stuff with (I'm still salty about losing half of a game I created when my saves got corrupted by the engine itself). Between the two, I'd still say RAGS is better for ease-of-creation, while Twine is better for adding features without too much effort, and for a very convenient interface. I've not really tried Ren'py (the few times I did, I struggled somewhat), though given its popularity for creating VN's I would assume it's not that complicated to learn.

Otherwise there's TyranoBuilder, which is what I use for my current project, Parasite Escape. Very easy to learn, but it is a little limited in terms of what you can do with it.
04/03/21 01:52AM
GrandDad said:
Just like what the title says. I wanna make a hypno hentai game. Something simple, similar to Vandrill's Touhou hypno games, but I don't really want to make people download a whole game engine just to play it. I can write to a satisfactory degree, and make image manips of reasonable quality too, but I'm 0% a programmer. What are some programs that you guys would recommend?

So if you want to learn a bit about programming, suggest MIT open courseware. Even if you don't get the math they throw around, it will break you into coding gently enough.

I would not suggest RAGS, though I would suggest playing some games made for it. It is obsolescent, going on obsolete. You may have to download an old build of C# to get it to run efficiently or at all, kind of deal.

Twine is html based, and you can find resources for manipulating html on W3C Schools. Python has Pygame, but what you might want is Renpy. Both will involve making a package that the user downloads.

The alternative is to implement your own game engine. That would be the equivalent of building your own machine shop so you could make your own car. You do not want to do this.

There's a tradeoff you make for simplicity vs. control with these game engines. You can use Unity, Pygame and Unreal to make 2d games that run well enough using C# or Javascript for Unity, Python and C++ along with a visual programming system (which is effective). These systems will largely be free unless you are making enough money not to care if they aren't (with the exception of PyGame). But you have to know your stuff and be willing to use it all - for instance, you will probably have to build your own save system, and a user interface for it, if you go for Unity. You'll have to figure out how to turn python into an executable if you go for PyGame (which iirc was the kiss of death for Python games at Ludum Dare early in Python's life). Renpy or twine will give you a safe box to live in, but you have to figure out how to live in it.

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04/03/21 02:02AM
I got my start in Micromedia Fusion... I couldn't recommend, even if IWBTG was made in it. Game Maker is alright, I used it in Uni, and Rivals of Aether was made in it so it has capability (I made a doom clone too) which should be well beyond what you need as well.

I'd personally suggest unity though, look up some tutorials for it. Like, there's little reason not to use unity now.
04/03/21 06:19AM
Mr_Face said:
So if you want to learn a bit about programming, suggest MIT open courseware. Even if you don't get the math they throw around, it will break you into coding gently enough.

I would not suggest RAGS, though I would suggest playing some games made for it. It is obsolescent, going on obsolete. You may have to download an old build of C# to get it to run efficiently or at all, kind of deal.

Twine is html based, and you can find resources for manipulating html on W3C Schools. Python has Pygame, but what you might want is Renpy. Both will involve making a package that the user downloads.

The alternative is to implement your own game engine. That would be the equivalent of building your own machine shop so you could make your own car. You do not want to do this.

There's a tradeoff you make for simplicity vs. control with these game engines. You can use Unity, Pygame and Unreal to make 2d games that run well enough using C# or Javascript for Unity, Python and C++ along with a visual programming system (which is effective). These systems will largely be free unless you are making enough money not to care if they aren't (with the exception of PyGame). But you have to know your stuff and be willing to use it all - for instance, you will probably have to build your own save system, and a user interface for it, if you go for Unity. You'll have to figure out how to turn python into an executable if you go for PyGame (which iirc was the kiss of death for Python games at Ludum Dare early in Python's life). Renpy or twine will give you a safe box to live in, but you have to figure out how to live in it.

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Well, it's just a simple point and click/CYOA that i wanna make, so something beefy like Unreal or Unity might be a bit excessive. Also don't think I wanna use a visual novel creator for a non visual novel game, so Twine might be my best bet, since it seems to be what all the porn game makers use. Thanks!

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