04/25/14 04:13AM
Debate time

First watch this video.

Do You agree or disagree? State why.

Keep it clean people that's my only rule
04/25/14 04:27AM
This won't end well.

I didn't watch the vid, but I read the the description, and I can tell from that that this person is a moron. Saying people who fap to loli/shota will become child rapists is like saying people who are into vore will try to swallow people whole. Reality is reality and fiction is fiction. Playing violent video games doesn't make you a killer, fapping to loli doesn't make you a pedophile, and I'm pretty sure the people who fap to ponies don't actually want to fuck real horses.
04/25/14 04:33AM
Mindwipe said:

I'm pretty sure the people who fap to ponies don't actually want to fuck real horses.

As someone who had his fun in the brony fandom, I can safely say it isn't that much of a <<|stretch>> to say some <<|wouldn't.>> It's getting there, give them time.
04/25/14 04:37AM
There are several pony people I've talked to who got into horse beast because of that stuff
Tangent time: slugbox is drawing some MLP hypnosis on his stream rite nao
This won't end well for my purity
04/25/14 04:42AM
Interesting replies so far but please of you have the time watch the video it gives much more detail into the argument against Lolicon/shotacon
04/25/14 04:53AM
I couldn't stand how the video maker presented his points, and he's clearly not making a reasoned argument, so I mostly just read the video description.

To be honest, the parallel is obviously there, and it's undeniable. You can't say doing violent things in a fictional setting has no effect on someone's behavior in reality, then claim that finding fictional youths sexually attractive makes one more likely to commit child molestation. It would be logically inconsistent to have an affirmative stance on one and not the other.

I would argue that both are acceptable, and statistics are there to confirm this. Videogames don't lead to violent crimes, and being a lolicon doesn't lead to child rape. Japan, being probably the country with the highest exposure of both of the above, has one of the lowest rates of violent crime and rape.

But for the sake of argument, even if violent videogames did lead to more crime, I would still be extremely hesitant to advocate for any banning, because it sets a precedent to a host of problems. To outlaw activities which are harmless in their own right, but can potentially induce criminal behavior, would be the equivalent of thought policing. The correct stance is to outlaw the behavior which causes harm, not the behavior which precedes it.
04/25/14 05:19AM
Ayvuir said:
I couldn't stand how the video maker presented his points, and he's clearly not making a reasoned argument, so I mostly just read the video description.

To be honest, the parallel is obviously there, and it's undeniable. You can't say doing violent things in a fictional setting has no effect on someone's behavior in reality, then claim that finding fictional youths sexually attractive makes one more likely to commit child molestation. It would be logically inconsistent to have an affirmative stance on one and not the other.

I would argue that both are acceptable, and statistics are there to confirm this. Videogames don't lead to violent crimes, and being a lolicon doesn't lead to child rape. Japan, being probably the country with the highest exposure of both of the above, has one of the lowest rates of violent crime and rape.

But for the sake of argument, even if violent videogames did lead to more crime, I would still be extremely hesitant to advocate for any banning, because it sets a precedent to a host of problems. To outlaw activities which are harmless in their own right, but can potentially induce criminal behavior, would be the equivalent of thought policing. The correct stance is to outlaw the behavior which causes harm, not the behavior which precedes it.

This guy. This guy is smart.

Zko said:
As someone who had his fun in the brony fandom, I can safely say it isn't that much of a <<|stretch>> to say some <<|wouldn't.>> It's getting there, give them time.

Okay, I'll give you that. But at least those still look like cartoon ponies.

TakyonH said:
There are several pony people I've talked to who got into horse beast because of that stuff

Well, sure. I don't think anyone would claim that no one who plays violent video games will go on to commit murder, or no one who faps to lolicon will go on to be a child molester. Just that one doesn't always cause the other.
04/25/14 08:18AM
I haven't watxhes the vid as I don't have time ill add more to this when I do but I get the gist of the vid from reading this.

I like Loli a lot. And I don't look at kids or my own daughters in that way at all and if anyone ever did it would end badly for them.

When ever I hear of a child molester going to jail I am very happy about it.

As for violent games causing violence is crazy.

Statistics show that violent crimes have actully been going down since video games have come out.

Honestly I use video games as an outlet when I have a bad day to relax. I know several people who do the same. They get mad or something and they go play a game and take it out in game doing no harm to anyone.

Anyways that's my two cents on the subject for now
04/25/14 08:40AM
I was planning this nice, thought out statement that covers the topic all sorts of well only to realize that I was beaten to the punch by Ayvuir. Well said, friend. I couldn't have explained it any better, myself.

If there is a correlation between loli/shota and pedophilia, it is a very weak one. Actually, if anything, I think there's a sort of reverse correlation. Being a pedophile probably increases your chances of liking loli/shota. However, these things don't always work both ways.

I think it's as silly as the video games and violence argument, which was also brought up in this thread.
04/25/14 08:47AM
Love the points everyone is making. I like to hear what others think about stuff
04/26/14 09:17PM
i watched some of the video...i think the comparison is entirely appropriate. both of those things are just messed up from a certain POV...something that as a peaceful citizen of the world you would never ever want to do (murder/assasination and making sex love to an immature child). BUT then there's the fact that we sometimes feel the urge to shoot people in a virtual world, and there is something very alluring about loli's. And if you are into those things it's not like you automatically become a bad still have every chance to be a really nice, righteous individual.

Personally I think real filmed child porn is certainly depraved and yeah, get rid of it if possible. Just like snuff films are illegal for a good reason as well. But when it comes to art? Man nobody should censor art. That is the realm of the imagination...if you tell people what they can and can't draw that is like some freakin mind-police action in my book.

Also, I don't even imagine loli's as real little girls like you would see at a school. I see them as like strangely advanced little spiritual beings. That's just my rationalization cause some loli art is not even like that but, that's just how i choose to think of it for myself. Especially on this site where so much of the art takes place in a world fairly different from the mundane one that most people inhabit.

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