04/11/21 01:57AM
I've been absolutely loving this website for the few months (years?) that I've been here exploring this kink of mine, but one thing that really pisses me off is the UI that's really not very helpful, the sorting for overall popularity for exemple is in "more" (why? I feel like that's something people often need)
The other thing is that sometimes I want to sort by popularity in a single tag, but I can't manage to do that, is there someway in the first place?
There is also the fact that it's not easy to search by multiple tags at once but I'm sure there is some way to do it in the search bar and I just haven't looked around enough
And other stuff people find useful and greatly enhances the experience (which is really important in this kind of website where the user need to be comfortable and have fun)
Anyway, great website, bad interface, if someone can help then please and thanks, and if you can't well have a nice day idk
04/11/21 02:16AM
Holesome said:
The other thing is that sometimes I want to sort by popularity in a single tag, but I can't manage to do that, is there someway in the first place?

Type "order:score" in the search bar next to whatever tags you're searching.

Holesome said:
There is also the fact that it's not easy to search by multiple tags at once but I'm sure there is some way to do it in the search bar and I just haven't looked around enough

Er... It's not particularly complicated. You can just type the all of the tags you want to search for with spaces between them. If the tag itself has multiple words, spaces within the tags are represented by underscores (for example, accidental_hypnosis). If you want a certain tag to not show up in your search, put a dash before it.

So for example, typing "order:score accidental_hypnosis blush -drool" will show every picture that has both the Accidental Hypnosis and Blush tags, excluding any with the Drool tag while sorting the results by their user rating.

Alternatively, when searching tags there will be a list under the search bar of other tags that show up commonly in your current search. Clicking the "+" next to it will add that tag to your search, while clicking the "-" will remove anything with that tag from your search.
04/11/21 01:16PM
Holesome said:
I've been absolutely loving this website for the few months (years?) that I've been here exploring this kink of mine, but one thing that really pisses me off is the UI that's really not very helpful, the sorting for overall popularity for exemple is in "more" (why? I feel like that's something people often need)
The other thing is that sometimes I want to sort by popularity in a single tag, but I can't manage to do that, is there someway in the first place?
There is also the fact that it's not easy to search by multiple tags at once but I'm sure there is some way to do it in the search bar and I just haven't looked around enough
And other stuff people find useful and greatly enhances the experience (which is really important in this kind of website where the user need to be comfortable and have fun)
Anyway, great website, bad interface, if someone can help then please and thanks, and if you can't well have a nice day idk

Check <<hypnohub.net/help/cheatsheet|the cheat sheet>>, it's really useful

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