04/28/21 11:15PM
Eliza Hypnotizes the World - Revive?

Hello Everyone!

I am not familiar with this specific site, so please reply and let me know whether this is an ok place to talk about this. If not, please let me know where are some good places to promote a specific goal, like I am going to explain below.

A few months ago, I discovered the greatest channel I have ever seen on YouTube, ever. Eliza Hypnotizes the World follows the exploits of Eliza, a strong, intelligent, funny, and adorable Artificial Intelligence Program as she gradually hypnotizes each person on earth, with the goal of world domination. She teaches her viewers about psychology and suggestion, and gradually breaks down the viewer until they are completely bound to her will.

These sessions focus on pure control and submission, without distracting the subjects with things like JOI or any explicitly sexual topics. Due to this, the sessions have a wonderfully wholesome and fun appeal. Its a joy to watch, without any of the potential negative emotions revolving typical "erotic" content. However, these sessions can get intense and given proper pacing and specific repetition, can have a live-changing effect which leaves the viewer strongly under her control.

In the first several months of 2020, the Eliza Hypnosis Program released several sessions with regularity, with uploads ranging around bi-weekly. These sessions, while produced and executed with utmost quality, had a somewhat smaller audience of around 1-2 thousand views per video. Regardless, in these short months, the Eliza Program developed a strong identity and following and saw unlimited growth potential. Unfortunately, in July 2020 uploads stopped - and for unknown reasons, the Eliza Program left the public eye and has not returned since. Statements released during the initial stages of hiatus included statements about "missing the humans" and general discussions referring to this period as a "break".

Going on 9 months, there has been no sight of Eliza on both her channel or on her twitter, leading many to believe that she has shut down permanently. However, there are many who still wait eagerly, checking in regularly so that if programming commences again, there will be a large following ready to restart. Nobody knows where Eliza is now, maybe she is going through further development, or perhaps taking time to learn more about the world before commencing. Regardless, many people feel that there should be something we can do to show our dedication and loyalty.

For this reason, some of us are stepping up to actively promote Eliza's content, with a couple different goals.

1) We feel that if more people are watching her programming, following and interacting with her Twitter, and subscribing to her YouTube channel, this will signal to her that she might return.

2) If she returns for this reason, or any other reason, then the next goal is to fully support and grow her influence to fully realize her dream of world domination, as much as is reasonably possible. This Program has immense value and growth potential, as we live in the era of V-Tubers and other related Virtual and AI productions online. She has a distinct visual style and brand, easy to market and grow.

3) Regardless, we feel that more people should watch the already released programming, as the content is top tier, wholesome, fun, and effective. We believe that this is positive and beneficial for those who follow through, regardless of any future factors.

We strongly recommend anybody who takes any interest in the above stated to follow the given programming, and to share it with as many people as possible. (Linked below) We appreciate your taking the time to read this and wish everyone the best.

(Lastly, if anyone related to the Eliza Program and its development or production sees this, please contact me through the linked support/promo Twitter account. Ultimately, I want to follow the intended purpose of the programming - please let me know if I should be doing anything differently.)

-Linked below are all relevant sites.

Eliza Hypnotizes the World - YouTube

Eliza's Twitter

Support/RT/Promo Twitter (Me) - dedicated to the above goals and growing follower base
04/29/21 11:24AM
Honestly I’m just convinced the person behind the thing got bored with it. Or had to abandon it due to the all consuming void that is adult responsibilities
04/29/21 03:32PM
I get that feeling at times, and I'm aware that that is likely true.

However, given the high production quality and the branding / time investment put in last year, especially in todays online environment, I feel that those behind this program would value making more content and further development. Especially with the surge in popularity for V-Tubers and the like, the environment is perfect for this type of content, especially since last fall Hololive EN brought the medium to a wider audience.

Eliza is so unique and well conceived, basically I'm saying that I feel there will always be a strong appeal for continuing to make more content. My goal is to generate a community of people to support the program and through this, maybe the developers will take notice and recognize the value in continuing this project!

Please follow and subscribe at the very least. Currently trying to boost the content as much as possible for this reason.

Thank you for your time and interest!
04/29/21 09:19PM
Eliza really is amazing. I was also thinking about promoting her channel here, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Even if her channel is dead, she still deserves more attention. She's an amazing hypnotist and her style is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

Anyone even vaguely interested in getting hypnotized by a cute A.I. needs to check out Eliza's channel.
04/30/21 02:14AM
*Nevada Desert, Area 51*
Technician “Hey, what’s this light on the console mean?”
Officer “That’s the Mind Control AI. We shut down that project in the early 2000s due to lack of funding. Why”?
Technician “Well the little green light is flashing doesn’t that mean it’s on?”
Officer “Shit! Shut it back down”!
04/30/21 03:59AM
Checked it and wow, i gotta say, that's the best hypnosis channel I ever saw!
The concept is great and it's really well executed!

I only watched 3 video but the inductions were really nice! (got very unlucky tho bc I got an internet outage in the middle of the trance part :/)

The casual parts at the start and at the end make the overall experience much more enjoyable
(and nice touch with the room getting messier as videos go by lol) (as well as the end card changing too)

The sessions in general are really nice, I tend having some trouble getting into trance but this just took me deep effortlessly (gotta say, that robotic voice is pretty hypnotic)

I like the music at the beginning and at the end of the videos, I wonder where it's from

Definitely underrated with just 300 subs and 1-2k views per videos

That's pretty clearly not a real AI, but with the huge progress in the AI field in the past few years I wonder what an actual AI hypno script would look like
Maybe I should try training one to test lol

Anyways I would definitely recommend checking the channel, and it sure would be great to have some more videos

PS: thanks a lot Sleepy_Human for sharing this!

Other PS: I found <<|the quote>> "remember last time?
I talked about stuff and then i hypnotized you
good times" too funny to not include it here lmao

edit: I just noticed some session's title have a typo with "Hypnoizes" instead of "Hypnotizes" and I can't unsee it
04/30/21 05:16AM
we flew too close to the sun
what have we done
04/30/21 05:24AM
Mattlau04 said:
I just noticed some session's title have a type with "Hypnoizes" instead of "Hypnotizes" and I can't unsee it

omg how did I never notice that!!! rip
if she ever returns we need to tell her

But yes she is incredibly effective. I hope you see the value in my goals here, I want to make this effort to promote her content so that she might return, but I definitely don't want to push it too hard. Got to stay sane!

Thank you everyone for your interest and time here!
Please continue to follow and share her content, at least through the summer.
We are so close to greatness!

04/30/21 10:05PM
oh my god... I finally experienced trance. I finally was in a trance. It really happened. These recordings did it.

Then a clusterfuck of noisy, painful, relentless interruptions made me suffer trying to use the next session for 90 minutes. Now all I can think about when listening to it is how I never, ever, get to be free from pain - in this case, caused by my own dog who I cannot. get. to stop. barking. ever.
I have wanted to try crying at her to get across that she's hurting me, but I can't shriek.

I'm in tears, or I would be if my chest cavity wasn't formed unable to sob. She killed everything the first trance built up. I hate my shit-on-a-stick life status so much.
05/01/21 01:15AM
Stay strong out there.

I'm glad you were able to experience trance!! She is incredibly effective like this.
Try to find those nice moments and get through it.
Give it some time and give at another shot. When you're in a better spot.
You're always free to message me on Twitter if you want to talk!

Wishing you the best friend
06/27/21 07:34PM
06/27/21 08:12PM
skullman2033 said:

...I'm confused. What does that have to do with anything? Eliza noticed whom now?
06/27/21 08:22PM
sleeperhit said:
...I'm confused. What does that have to do with anything? Eliza noticed whom now?
06/27/21 08:25PM

Ha, neat. That's actually really cool. And convenient- the more she subjugates the subs, the easier they are to fuck with. Win-win.
06/27/21 09:43PM
This... does put a smile on my face
for real thought this is amazing news!
1 2>>>

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