05/09/21 07:41PM
Playing Games While Under Hypnosis
So I've always liked the (disappointingly few) clips out there for people playing video games with some sort of hypnotic effects/triggers in place on them.

To be clear, I'm not talking about games that hypnotize the player as you play, I mean regular games that you play after having been hypnotized.

I started thinking about the different games you could apply this to and what triggers/suggestions you could bring into play, and if there's anything I've learned from reading these forums over the years, y'all are a creative bunch, so I thought I'd throw it out to the world and see what people come up with.

So you've got an idea of the kind of thing I mean, here are the ideas I came up with for Among Us & Smash Bros.

Among Us:
- When you die, you drop
- When an impostor kills, they get a burst of pleasure from it.
- The crewmates have this constant buzzing of arousal/pleasure, it starts off as basically nothing, but as they complete tasks, it grows more intense
- Winning team gets to orgasm

I'm sure there's some fun stuff you could do during meetings, but I couldn't come up with anything.

Smash Bros:
- Getting a KO gives a burst of pleasure
- Drop when eliminated
- As your damage percentage gets higher, your mind gets blanker and harder to think (I've seen something similar done with losing pieces in chess) (in Smash bros, this has the added benefit of resetting you back to 0% whenever you lose a life)

I also came up with a few depending on your character, for example:
- Playing as a Pokemon means you must talk like a Pokemon (i.e. can only say the Pokemon's name)
- If a Jigglypuff player sings, all the other players drop for about 10 seconds
- If a Peach/Daisy player blows a kiss to another player in the room, that player becomes obedient to them for roughly 30 seconds

More character-specific ideas would be awesome.

That's just what I've got. I'd love to hear any ideas y'all come up with for any game you want, or if you have more/better ideas for what I've already suggested, be as dirty or as clean as you like.

I'd like to keep them as things that you could realistically do with a group of good subjects, but if you want to stray a little into the realm of fantasy, I won't complain!
05/09/21 09:01PM
These kinda shenanigans are actually quite common from what I've seen, especially in the healslut community.

Lots of fun stuff for any kind of game that allows healing of any sorts, though it's kinda difficult to decide on what you want to do with triggers since most games that feature healing are competetive and you don't want to, well, grief your team if you got one - Overwatch, Paladins, etc.

Triggers like that are quite fun, really takes me back~
05/09/21 09:16PM
not video game but game nontheless, i tried playing chess with my sub and gave a trigger to sink deeper with each piece they lost

I got checkmated in 7 move without managing to take any piece ;-;

Moral of the story: pick a game you're good at lol
05/09/21 09:26PM
Also more on the topic, but playing pokemon with a few moves that actually affect the other trainer directly as well could be nice (especially if both player are hypnotized)

for example, if the foe pokémon uses:
-Hypnosis: you drop in a trance (or drop deeper if already in one)

-Sweet kiss: you get very horny (either for the opposite player or the foe pokémon)

-Supersonic / confuse ray: it becomes very hard to think (very much got the idea from na shacho pokémon pools)

-Attract: either the same as sweet kiss, or you actually fall in love with the opposite pokémon / trainer and don't really want to hurt them

-Curse (when used by a ghose type) or perish song: become more and more blank with each turn, and going completely mindless if your pokémon faints (the effects stop if you switch out, but the opponent could "convince" you to not switch if you're 2-3 turns in)

Most would probably last for only a few turns to not be OP
05/09/21 10:11PM
10ryawoo said:
So I've always liked the (disappointingly few) clips out there for people playing video games with some sort of hypnotic effects/triggers in place on them.

To be clear, I'm not talking about games that hypnotize the player as you play, I mean regular games that you play after having been hypnotized.

I started thinking about the different games you could apply this to and what triggers/suggestions you could bring into play, and if there's anything I've learned from reading these forums over the years, y'all are a creative bunch, so I thought I'd throw it out to the world and see what people come up with.

So you've got an idea of the kind of thing I mean, here are the ideas I came up with for Among Us & Smash Bros.

Among Us:
- When you die, you drop
- When an impostor kills, they get a burst of pleasure from it.
- The crewmates have this constant buzzing of arousal/pleasure, it starts off as basically nothing, but as they complete tasks, it grows more intense
- Winning team gets to orgasm

I'm sure there's some fun stuff you could do during meetings, but I couldn't come up with anything.

Smash Bros:
- Getting a KO gives a burst of pleasure
- Drop when eliminated
- As your damage percentage gets higher, your mind gets blanker and harder to think (I've seen something similar done with losing pieces in chess) (in Smash bros, this has the added benefit of resetting you back to 0% whenever you lose a life)

I also came up with a few depending on your character, for example:
- Playing as a Pokemon means you must talk like a Pokemon (i.e. can only say the Pokemon's name)
- If a Jigglypuff player sings, all the other players drop for about 10 seconds
- If a Peach/Daisy player blows a kiss to another player in the room, that player becomes obedient to them for roughly 30 seconds

More character-specific ideas would be awesome.

That's just what I've got. I'd love to hear any ideas y'all come up with for any game you want, or if you have more/better ideas for what I've already suggested, be as dirty or as clean as you like.

I'd like to keep them as things that you could realistically do with a group of good subjects, but if you want to stray a little into the realm of fantasy, I won't complain!

Smash bros ideas...


Deku Nuts, shield breaks, and other stuff that make characters dizzy momentarily drop a player or leave them so close to dropping that they're left in a dazed and confused state

Freezies and other freezing things have a freeze trigger, while a character is frozen, the player doesn't move or think

Metal Boxes make it easier for a player to resist triggers and suggests

Rambling Evil Mushroom confuses the player, perhaps making them not aware who is on their team during a team battle (friendly fire being on)

Having a Final Smash ready leaves a player with a clear head and resistant to triggers and suggestions. After being used, triggers and suggestions come back. Similar could be used for the Super Star

Being slowed by a Timer slows a player's thoughts
05/10/21 09:12AM
I would love to do this but I cant get even basic things to work when it comes to triggers, let alone hypnosis as a whole
05/10/21 11:36AM
Ok time to make one of the bestest games. Mario and Luigi!

- Lower % hp the bros have in total the more blank and mindless you become.
- If one bro faints your actions become sluggish and sloppy (to reference the mechianc in the games)
- Game Over: blank/drop or if you wanna try something else, if you game over you will believe to be on the enemies side for a while. SS ane BIS will make you Fawfulized. PiT will make you believe you are Shrozmized and DT and PJ will have you believe you are apart of Bowser's army.
- Every command successfully inputed for a Bros. Attack/Trio Attack will give a burst of pleasure. Failing will drop that pleasure to zero and makre them drop further into hypnosis meanwhile success will increase their pleasure but also allows them to focus up.
- During Giant Battles, the player is now oveeconfident and brashful. In the case of victory, theu'll give a huge burst of pleasure that will drop them for a proid of time.
- Beating a major battle will allow an orgasm.

Now for cutscenes and the like!

- whenever Mario or Luigi talks in a cutscene, the player may only speak in Itlian Gibberish.
- When Fawful/Cackletta/Anthasma appear, the player will copy either their laugh or talking gimmick.
- When the Elete Hammer Bros come on, the player talks like them until those Bros. are freed.
- Im the Dream World, the player is in a blissful and dreamy state.

And that's all I can think off for now for that one. Let's throw in an extra. Touhou 15.5

- As soon as you pick your Master (that is the term they use in game) you will inherit some of their personaility quirks. Reimu players will be tired, Marisa will be overconfident, Kasen will be bossy, Mokou won't give a shit unless the fight gets intersting and Yukari players will be... Yukari ect.

- When players switch over to their Slave (No I am not kidding.) They will take on traits of that character instead.

- Lower HP: more blank and mindless. Lower Speical/Guard meter: more blank and mindless.

- Guard Break will incude dizziness and confusion for a few seconds.

- Using Spell Cards will give a huge brust of pleasure.

- Using the Last Word will give you a slight boost in focus... until the attack is over where you'll be even more vurnable until knock out.

- Whoever wins the best 2/3 will be able to order around the loser for the time agreed between the two players.

And that is it for now, just threw some ideas I'd thought would be fun. (Also now I can see some kind of story forming from concepts like these, haha. Oh that sounds fun~)
05/10/21 12:15PM
Mattlau04 said:
Also more on the topic, but playing pokemon with a few moves that actually affect the other trainer directly as well could be nice (especially if both player are hypnotized)

I love the Pokemon ideas, definitely some cool suggestions, you could really make it a hypno-battle if you attach triggers to HP & mechanics like Dynamax too.

godzillahomer said:
Smash bros ideas...


Deku Nuts, shield breaks, and other stuff that make characters dizzy momentarily drop a player or leave them so close to dropping that they're left in a dazed and confused state

Freezies and other freezing things have a freeze trigger, while a character is frozen, the player doesn't move or think

Metal Boxes make it easier for a player to resist triggers and suggests

Rambling Evil Mushroom confuses the player, perhaps making them not aware who is on their team during a team battle (friendly fire being on)

Having a Final Smash ready leaves a player with a clear head and resistant to triggers and suggestions. After being used, triggers and suggestions come back. Similar could be used for the Super Star

Being slowed by a Timer slows a player's thoughts

I hadn't even considered items! This opens up a whole new world of possibilities. I like the Final Smash idea especially, I'd just thought of some generic pleasure thing for it, but yours is better.

Oshachu7755 said:
Ok time to make one of the bestest games. Mario and Luigi!

- Lower % hp the bros have in total the more blank and mindless you become.
- If one bro faints your actions become sluggish and sloppy (to reference the mechianc in the games)
- Game Over: blank/drop or if you wanna try something else, if you game over you will believe to be on the enemies side for a while. SS ane BIS will make you Fawfulized. PiT will make you believe you are Shrozmized and DT and PJ will have you believe you are apart of Bowser's army.
- Every command successfully inputed for a Bros. Attack/Trio Attack will give a burst of pleasure. Failing will drop that pleasure to zero and makre them drop further into hypnosis meanwhile success will increase their pleasure but also allows them to focus up.
- During Giant Battles, the player is now oveeconfident and brashful. In the case of victory, theu'll give a huge burst of pleasure that will drop them for a proid of time.
- Beating a major battle will allow an orgasm.

Now for cutscenes and the like!

- whenever Mario or Luigi talks in a cutscene, the player may only speak in Itlian Gibberish.
- When Fawful/Cackletta/Anthasma appear, the player will copy either their laugh or talking gimmick.
- When the Elete Hammer Bros come on, the player talks like them until those Bros. are freed.
- Im the Dream World, the player is in a blissful and dreamy state.

And that's all I can think off for now for that one. Let's throw in an extra. Touhou 15.5

- As soon as you pick your Master (that is the term they use in game) you will inherit some of their personaility quirks. Reimu players will be tired, Marisa will be overconfident, Kasen will be bossy, Mokou won't give a shit unless the fight gets intersting and Yukari players will be... Yukari ect.

- When players switch over to their Slave (No I am not kidding.) They will take on traits of that character instead.

- Lower HP: more blank and mindless. Lower Speical/Guard meter: more blank and mindless.

- Guard Break will incude dizziness and confusion for a few seconds.

- Using Spell Cards will give a huge brust of pleasure.

- Using the Last Word will give you a slight boost in focus... until the attack is over where you'll be even more vurnable until knock out.

- Whoever wins the best 2/3 will be able to order around the loser for the time agreed between the two players.

And that is it for now, just threw some ideas I'd thought would be fun. (Also now I can see some kind of story forming from concepts like these, haha. Oh that sounds fun~)

I'm not familiar with either of those games (I've heard of the Mario & Luigi games, but not played any) but I like the ideas! There's some stuff there that can be applied to other JRPGs in there too.

The only other idea I've come up with so far is sort of a meta thing. I thought of it with Smash Bros in mind, but it'd work for any multiplayer arena/fighting game:

- You have two teams of two, but in each team, only one person is actually controlling a character in the game.
- The person who's controlling the character has basically zero free will, and can only do what their teammate orders them to do. So the game is essentially the in-game character being controlled by a person, who's being controlled by another person. Might play a bit awkward, but I think it'd be a fun novelty idea.
05/10/21 12:55PM
This reminds me of a video I saw a long time ago of someone being put under a trance while playing Dark Souls. The way they played could almost be classified as "robotic": They showed no fear while playing it and practically barreled through section after section.

I'd almost be willing to experiment with something like that, mainly with games that require quick reflexes.
05/10/21 01:20PM
Really jealous of y'all for being able to do this kinda stuff. This is definitely something I gotta try out if I find myself a sub.
05/10/21 09:10PM
Make toxic gamers online drop every time they want to insult someone.
05/10/21 09:20PM
Babylon said:
Make toxic gamers online drop every time they want to insult someone.

You've magically become my favorite person for some reason.
05/11/21 12:17AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
You've magically become my favorite person for some reason.

I definitely haven't hypnotised you, you are absolutely acting of your own initiative.
05/12/21 05:19AM
Babylon said:
Make toxic gamers online drop every time they want to insult someone.

excessive swearing leads to a soapy taste in their mouth. or they get stuck unable to be toxic and can only say good things (if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing type thing) Salty players are left with a dry feeling in their mouths

and for another type of trigger, drop if a person cheats or violates an agreement made between the players (if the players agree to not use a certain character or stage, then choosing them intentionally will be a drop or if a player can command another, certain commands are off limits, like a smash bros player being made to run off the stage)

Now for the Pokemon of Smash, as well as more item things and the Assist trophies

-A. Vulpix has the same effect as a Freezie
-Meowth's Pay Day has a compulsion for a player to run towards Meowth out of greed (strength can vary based on character, like Wario CANNOT resist at all)
-Goldeen gives the player who threw the Pokeball a 3-second time-out where they can't press any buttons
-Staryu, getting caught in Staryu's swift freezes your body until you're out of Swift
-Ditto, the other players can't tell the difference between Ditto and the character Ditto copied
-Mew,all players become suggestible until their next KO
-Togepi, Hypnosis makes the affected players loyal to the player who threw the PB for a bit. Nightshade blinds all players. Powder Snow works like a Freezie. Leech Seed, like Lips Stick would do nothing as the damage over time would make a person more spacey.
-Bellossom: Sweet Scent works like Jiggly's sing
-Suicune: Same as Freezie
-Gardevoir: Players in Gardevoir's shield have no desire to fight. Perhaps a taunting compulsion. Trying for a hypnotic Gardevoir here.
-Abomasnow: See Freezie
-Palkia: Players become disoriented or believe the real world has flipped upside down
-Darkrai: Similar to Jigglypuff's sing, but with players awakening feeling more spaced out due to the damage done by Bad Dreams
-Arceus: Players press down on the control stick to bow to the god
-Victini: Same effect as getting a Final Smash, player feels confident they will win
-Zoroark: Players will think Zoroark is Player 4 (or 8, Zoroark imitates the highest number player in the same fashion he would look like the last pokemon on a team)
-Kyurem: Freezie. Sure are a lot of freezing mons.
-Meloetta: Getting hit by a single note makes players unable to attempt dodging other notes. Attempt at a hypnotic song
-Spewda: If affected by Spewda's spores, the player's body freezes until their character is free from the effect
-Swirlix: Makes player thoughts sluggish if they get affected. Leaves a sweet taste in the mouths of those affected.
-Inkay: If playing a team battle, teams swap controllers. If playing a free-for-all, all players switch controllers, with no one left with their old character. (with no -Manaphy in Ult, this is the closest I can get to Heart Swap)
-Xerneas: Same effect as a Metal Block, has a greed effect like with Meowth causing players to target you more
-Mimikyu: If the fighter survives, they will fight for the player who threw the pokeball for 30 seconds or until KO. UNLESS a Pikachu threw the ball, then the player will target Pikachu exclusively. Possession effect.

Spear Pillar Legends
-Tilted stage: Real world seems tilted
-Dialga's slowed time: All players have their thoughts slowed
-Palkia's mirroring: If Palkia mirrors the stage, all players are disoriented
-Palkia's flip: See Palkia on pokeballs

Saffron City Pokemon
-Chansey eggs are always thrown downwards, if they explode a player is left tranced for a few seconds.

More item effects
-If you grab a Beam Sword, you're stuck talking in Star Wars quotes until you lose the sword
-Beehive, when stung, you quote a certain Nick Cage line (Not the bees)
-Black Hole: While stuck in a black hole, a player is blissed out without a care and pays no attention to the game
-Bob-omb: If it explodes while you're holding it and you survive, you get tranced for a few seconds
-Boomerang: If the first hit misses, the other players will forget that it comes back to you and taunt you for missing. Only works once per fight.
-Boss Galaga: Abducted players come back loyal to the player who threw the Boss Galaga. Butt pain optional. Alien mind control. Loyalty lasts 30 seconds.
-Bunny Hood: Makes a player hyper
-Capsule: If a player breaks it at their feet, they get one of two effects. 1, if it's an item, the player gets a burst of pleasure. 2, if it explodes, the player is tranced for 5 seconds.
-Cucco: When the Cucco swarm starts, all players are unable to talk and cluck like a chicken if they try to
-Daybreak and Dragoon: When completed, other players are tranced for 5 seconds
-Fake Smash Ball: Any Player caught in the blast will be tranced for 5 seconds
-Golden Hammer and Hammer: Makes a player aggressive if they pick it up, even if it's a dud.
-Gooey Bomb: The player who has it explode on them gets tranced for 5 seconds
-Gust Bellows: If the player using this scores a KO by blocking another player from recovering with the wind, they can receive one of two effects: 1, a burst of pleasure. 2, tranced for 3 seconds. This one depends on what the group thinks of this tactic.
-Healing Field: Any player in the healing field will not attack
-Healing Sprout: Any player with the Sprout on them becomes non-aggressive. If a player fails to notice they lost it, they remain non-aggressive. Same thing for if a player fails to notice they got it.
-Home-Run Bat: Player will only go for smash attacks with the bat. Player will try to engage another player in an Abbott and Costello routine.
-Lightning Bolt and Mushrooms: Grown players are aggressive and feel turned on. Shrunk players are cowards and feel turned off.
-Lip's Stick: No special effect: Taking damage makes you more spacey, so that's enough
-Metal Box: Optional bit, there is a chance that a metal box will be defective and freeze a player's body until it wears off. Player's thoughts are all about being a perfect statue. Petrification with a hypnosis add-on.
-Special Flag: If you get an extra stock, orgasm
-Spiny Shell: Whoever is hit, they become loyal to who ever threw the shell for 10 seconds. If the thrower some how gets hit, they get tranced for 5 seconds.
-Super Scope: If another player is playing as the Duck Hunt duo, the player with the scope will be compelled to target them as much as they can
-Super Spicy Curry: Leaves a strong spicy taste in a player's mouth (not unbearably spicy)
-Team Healer: If a player picks it up, they will focus on healing teammates over doing damage, if loyal to the other team, the player will either try to give it to them or throw it off the stage

Assist Trophies
-Arcade Bunny: If a player is KO'd by the claw machine, they come back loyal to the player who summoned the Bunny. They did win them as a claw machine prize, after all.
-Ashley: Anyone caught in her cloud will move sluggishly and will be compelled to taunt. the damage done by the cloud also leaves players more spaced out
-Chef Kawasaki: If caught and cooked, become loyal the Chef's summoner for 30 seconds
-Devil: Players are compelled to look in the direction the Devil points
-Ghosts: Pac-Man players get tranced for 10 seconds if they get hit by a ghost
-Kapp'n: Any player ko'd by Kapp'n comes back carefree and relaxed, as if they just got back from a good vacation
Krystal: Same effect as a Freezie
-Metroid: Players having their energy drained by a Metroid are compelled to not resist
-Nightmare: Blinds all players while the screen is blackened
-Nikki: Ghost will make a foe loyal to whoever summoned Nikki for 30 seconds. Possession. Smash Ball works like the item.
-Nintendog: All players stop playing and admire the cute puppy. Maybe they believe they have a puppy in their lap to pet.
-Rathalos: If stunned by his roar, a player is tranced until their character stops being stunned
-Riki: Same effects as Jigglypuff's sing and a Freezie. Rolypoly dazes a player for a few seconds. Happy Happy makes all players hyper.
-Shadow the Hedgehog: Same effect as the timer, but with a mental freeze thrown in
-Skull Kid: Screen flip and control reverse disorients the players. Invisible causes confusion as the players think the fighters all vanished.
-Squid Sisters: All players head to the stage and start trying to dance by either moving around or taunting. They're really into their music. Consider this similar to music that compels a person to dance.
-Waluigi: All players speak only in Waas while Waluigi is present
-Yuri Kozukata: Players caught in her camera are tranced for 5 seconds. Effect refreshes if hit again by the second or third camera attack. A weaker possession effect to prevent Yuri from potentially MCing all of a player's opponents. Can be changed to a 30 second loyalty if players desire.
05/12/21 07:06AM
And I just wrote down some stuff for the Smash Ult characters, Banjo to Mewtwo. Later I'll continue on from Min Min (Miis I consider to be house rule territory due to their customization options)

New win condition: Total Loyality, get all opposing players loyal to you and win automatically. Not suggested for 1 VS 1s. Some character excel at this.


Banjo and Kazooie

Wonderwing grants clarity of mind and immunity to triggers for 5 seconds after being used


Witch Time and Infernal Climax work like a Timer
Taunts can trance other players for 3 seconds. Only works once per stock.
If up-taunt is used when another player is playing as Lucas, Marth, the DQ Hero, Samus, Lucina, Rosalina, Roy, Cloud, or Zero Suit Samus, it will fail to work. That was cruel of you and you should feel bad.


Bowser players are more resistant to damage causing them to space out

Bowser Jr. and Koopalings

Sexual pleasure suggestions are disabled due to picking an underaged character


Players who pick Byleth will act like a teacher

Captain Falcon

Landing Falcon Punch will disorient the hit player(s)
After using his down taunt, other players will taunt in response, cannot make a taunt loop if another player is playing CF


If other player(s) is playing as Captain Falcon, Chrom player(s) will be compelled to target them
A successful counter stuns the other player for a second


Sephiroth players can try to command a Cloud player, but it only has around a 10% chance of working
Limit Breaks act like a Smash Ball and disable suggestions while in Limit Break


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second


Getting hit with Toad's spores trances a player for 3 seconds
Any player hit with Daisy Bomber is left feeling very spaced out and suggestible for 5 seconds
Any player who falls asleep due to Daisy Blossom becomes loyal to the Daisy player for 10 seconds

Dark Pit

Dark Pit can use his taunts to cause other players to target him, doesn't affect teammates

Dark Samus

Players KO'd by Dark Samus come back loyal to her for 5 seconds. Corruption effect.
Players hit by Phazon Laser become loyal to her for 3 seconds, unless KO'd. Corruption effect.

Diddy Kong

Sexual pleasure suggestions are disabled due to picking an underaged character

Donkey Kong

Peach, Rosalina, Daisy, and Zelda players can't resist Kong Karry. Especially Peach
Players hit by a fully charge Giant Punch are disoriented

Dr. Mario

Can make Peach players target other characters, calling them Nurse Peach in the process

Duck Hunt

If you use the side taunt, the other players will target you. No affect on teammates


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second, but only if the projectile hits them


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second, but only if the projectile hits them
Fox players are compelled to pick Final Destination


Landing Falcon Punch will disorient the hit player(s)
If a Zelda player is KO'd by one of Ganondorf's Specials, they come back loyal to him until they take damage. Twilight Princess Zelda reference


If Substitute hits an opponent, the other player gets stunned for a second

DQ Hero

Snooze trances affect players while their characters are asleep
Kaclang makes the player's body freeze while their mind is unaffected
Kamikazee will leave a player dazed for 5 seconds after respawning if it failed to KO another player
Magic Burst leaves a player more dazed than before
Hocus Pocus statuses act like normal

Ice Climbers

When Popo and Nana are together, IC players are resistant to being spaced out due to damage. If Popo or Nana get KO'd the player is more vulnerable to being spaced out.
A grab from the Ice Climbers momentarily fills the grabbed player with dread, then they remember that this isn't Melee


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second


The player playing as Incineroar acts like a hammy pro-wrestler


Sexual pleasure suggestions are disabled due to picking an underaged character
Being covered in a lot of ink makes other players feel more spaced out than usual


Nothing too special, but Pocket can be useful with item effects


Sing trances other players while their characters are asleep
While using Rest, a player is briefly tranced. If Rest manages to hit an opponent, they're dazed for a second.
Optional: Jigglypuff players are compelled to target players who fall asleep, waking them up early


If All-Out Attack KOs a player, they become loyal to the Joker player for 30 seconds


Nothing of note

King Dedede

Inhaling a player stuns them for 3 seconds. Gets weaker if spammed, second inhale stuns for 2 seconds, third for 1 second, and every inhale after does not stun. Resets upon Dedede's KO

King K. Rool

If Gut Check damages a foe, they are stunned for a second


Sexual pleasure suggestions are disabled due to Kirby being too pure for that
Copying a character gives you access to their traits


If Remote Bomb explodes while Link is holding it, Link's player is left dazed for a second

Little Mac

Attacks delivered at max Power Meter leaves other players disoriented if they land


Lucario players become immune to being spaced out due to damage after reaching 190% and max aura
If Double Team hits an opponent, the other player gets stunned for a second
Players are compelled to say Goku quotes while using Aura Storm


Sexual pleasure suggestions are disabled due to picking an underaged character


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second


KOing a player with Luigi's down taunt will leave them tranced for 3 seconds after they respawn


If Mario KOs a player, they come back loyal to Mario until they get damaged. Cappy assist


A successful counter stuns the other player for a second

Mega Man

If Mega Man KOs a player, MM's player can choose to copy one of that player's beneficial effects

Meta Knight

Meta Knight players can't pick up items unless another player is holding an item


If Mewtwo KOs a player, they come back loyal to his player for 30 seconds
If a player is hit with Confusion, they are left dazed for a bit. Optional: Might target foes at random
While a player is dazed by Disable, the Mewtwo player can give them suggestions
Optional: If Disable is used on a Peach, her player will be put under a Loyalty suggestion until Peach takes damage. Nurse Joy reference
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