05/15/21 11:23PM
Your Favorite Hypno Art not on the Hub
I was looking at the forum and realized, we could really use a place to show our favorite pieces that are not on the Hub. Either because no one has uploaded them yet (and you don't know the first thing about uploading stuff here) or because the artist is on the DNP list. (would posting links to their art on other sites, such as DA, be a violation of the DNP list?)

First off, I got some pieces from Shaxbert. Someone who's not on the DNP and already has quite a few pieces here. They might usually just do vanilla, but when they do MC, wonderful. Like that picture of Peach being corrupted by boos that's already up on here.


The sirens in the middle of hypnotizing the MLP human girls (very lovely)
Rosalina possessed/body stolen by King Boo
Classic Roll being reprogrammed by Wily
Rosalina mind controlled by Magikoopas


Fourth picture is a B&W Shaxbert sketch colored by SquirrelPeter. Detention with some of the MLP human girls.

He has more on his Deviantart as well.
05/15/21 11:30PM
I do enjoy a lot of CarlosFco's stuff. Lots of it is fembot-related, and girls being remote controlled, which is my favorite kind of MC.


They're not on the DNP list have a bunch of pics in here already, but for some reason it's only a very limited portion of their art. I guess no one bothered to upload it, which is a shame (I won't complain too much since I'm not doing it either though).
05/15/21 11:54PM
I'm reluctant to upload, just from the headaches and problems I've seen it give others. But hey, if an uploader sees what we post and decides to add it to the hub. It's a win-win for everyone.

Here's another that uses characters my friend came up with.

His character Hypno Sis hypnotized by a brainwashed Ms. Merize.

The moral of the story? If you're going to brainwash your hypnotic hero rival into being a villain, include not hypnotizing you into their minion in the brainwashing. Artist isn't in the DNP list either.


And a follow up to a piece already here


Sequel to: hypnohub.net/post/show/43...r-christmas-dark-merchant

05/16/21 12:05AM
godzillahomer said:
And a follow up to a piece already here


Wait, 4thsnake? As in "fuck Netherrealm, 3D games good, let me fuck Sae, Atlus" 4thsnake? THAT 4thsnake??

Bruh that's something I feel weird about.
05/16/21 12:18AM
Pinkanator said:
Wait, 4thsnake? As in "fuck Netherrealm, 3D games good, let me fuck Sae, Atlus" 4thsnake? THAT 4thsnake??

Bruh that's something I feel weird about.

That's the one. Guy also used to have a let's play channel too, but it never gained any traction and got abandoned.

You should see his DA, the superhero series he has done quite a bit of work on has several hypnotic heroes and villains. Ms. Merize, Hypno Sis, Hipnotique as examples (all of which have made it on the hub) He either has a fetish for it, like several other comic book writers do (the Wonder Woman Factor I like to call it) or just likes the plot device that is mind control.

05/16/21 03:04AM
Thf772 said:
I do enjoy a lot of CarlosFco's stuff. Lots of it is fembot-related, and girls being remote controlled, which is my favorite kind of MC.


They're not on the DNP list have a bunch of pics in here already, but for some reason it's only a very limited portion of their art. I guess no one bothered to upload it, which is a shame (I won't complain too much since I'm not doing it either though).

Oh yeah! That guy inspired my own Fembot design!
05/16/21 05:02AM
I like this Ty Lee pic, but I've never been sure whether it really constitutes mind control enough to post on the Hub:

05/16/21 05:31AM
origamiswami said:
I like this Ty Lee pic, but I've never been sure whether it really constitutes mind control enough to post on the Hub:


I'd say nope, from what she's saying, it was her chi blocking abilities that did the paralyzing, not any kind of trigger
05/16/21 12:22PM
I'm just gonna go with "general places that contain art not necessarily on the Hub", since this is a bit of a large request:

Pixiv would be my main one - lots, and lots, and lots of hypno-art, mostly 3D, generally untranslated, fairly good quality.
Some examples would be <<www.pixiv.net/en/users/57668300|this person>> (I don't know Japanese, so I'm gonna be referring to most of these as "person"), who makes bodysuit/parasitic possession stuff - quite squicky, but very hot for some of them; <<www.pixiv.net/en/users/24962445|this person>>, who uses a lot of the same loli characters in mind-control situations, but I really like their hypno-screen stories; and <<www.pixiv.net/en/users/34381292|Shizumi Hanako>>, who tends to use slime and "slime possession into making more slaves using slime" tropes, which is great to me.

My other main place would be Discord, with a number of MC/possession related groups:
Possession Genre General, Liquid Dungeon, and /co/ hypno (relating to comics, specifically).
05/16/21 12:30PM
There's this too, that feels like body control to me: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80282463

Especially pics 2 to of the set.

One day I'm definitely getting a commission with the concept.
05/16/21 06:35PM
I have a long list of that but i better upload them all, bit by bit.
05/16/21 06:37PM
Do JAVs and other videos count?

I've posted about this in the hunting thread, but I really like <<www.weebly.com/weebly/app...ffice_girl_full_movie.jpg|this unnamed JAV>>. Video quality isn't the best, but I thought the sequences they chose to shoot were pretty good.
05/17/21 12:11AM
every single hypno posts from saiminsushi, but especially <<www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74364409|his rosa one>> and the <<www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76290141|first tales of hypnosis>> (the translated version was the first hypno doujin i ever read)
05/18/21 04:08AM
I kinda like certain parts of this set:
05/01/22 05:23AM
Has anyone been checking out the CGs of "lolislove"? Contrary to the name all of the characters in the CGs are more or less adult women... wiiith some grey areas here and there.

Anyway, the content is made with COM3D2 so you know you're getting solid quality in the visual department. There are a few small grammatical errors text-wise here and there but, overall it's easy to read.

Their stories generally have some interesting scenarios and good character dynamics that feel like they lend themselves well to the hypno-fetish.

If you're interested in checking them out I'll leave some links here:


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