05/21/21 06:47PM
What's Your Favorite Expression For Hypnosis Subjects?
Hey everyone,
How are you? The title is for the most part self explanatory. What kind of faces do you like to see on those who are hypnotized? I personally like the dazed expression when the eyelids are lowered halfway. I also like crossed eyes and eyerolls.
I think wide-eyed blank stares are nice too; especially on anime characters. I guess I pretty much only like anime characters.

Anyway that's enough about me. Please tell me what you guys like to see on the face of hypnotized subjects.
05/21/21 07:06PM
For me, my favorite expressions are the ahegao face (if done correctly), or simply the blank stare with tongue out -- look at my profile picture, hint hint ;)

I also quite enjoy simple blank stares, though it really depends on the context
05/21/21 07:15PM
Dazed is great, even more with an open mouth, also drooling and ahegao
05/21/21 07:27PM
aware and resisting, that's my cup of tea
05/21/21 07:37PM
Dazed/blankly surprised is the one for me

By the way: The award for the funniest profile pic goes to @ihaveacuteturtle
05/21/21 07:52PM
The relaxed happy daze for me. Just something about it that I find exciting.

Can never go wrong with a blank expression either.
05/21/21 10:47PM
Either dazed as in the commonly-known, eyelids semi-closed look (generally, with some drool, and perhaps a smile), or "expressionless" (though I like eyebrows that aren't totally neutral even in that case), but I love modified eyes in that scenario.

Resisting is good too, but just as a middle-ground. I like the mind-control arriving to "fruition", so to speak.
05/21/21 11:10PM
Big wide eyes full of spirals and a big stupid grin all the way for me ;)
05/22/21 12:33AM
mariosonicfan said:
Big wide eyes full of spirals and a big stupid grin all the way for me ;)

05/22/21 01:00AM
mariosonicfan said:
Big wide eyes full of spirals and a big stupid grin all the way for me ;)

I love that, maybe with a strand of oblivious drool for good measure. I also like a simple, smaller, subservient smile as well, not just grinning ear to ear. I especially like seeing the in-between stages, though: from fear and apprehension to awe and confusion, to acceptance of the overwhelming bliss.
05/22/21 05:10AM
A nice, blank stare, looking forward through half-opened eyes, no expression, pure submission.
05/22/21 11:44AM
either <<|this kind of facial expression>> (idk how to call it, probably a kind of ahegao, but luckyluckyluckypenny draws it very well), <<|a more regular grin>>, or <<|drooly and unresponsive>>

if it's hypnotized hypnotist though, the 'tist being completely expressionless is pretty hot
05/22/21 02:17PM
My profile pic is my answer :p
05/22/21 03:22PM
The absence of thought or any kind of emotion.

So, something sleepy and/or completely expressionless, usually with eyes staring straight ahead, preferably with drool. May or may not have eyes rolled up, or eyes half-closed, or fully opened. Anything else which indicates a lack of thought or control also helps.

I mean, don't get me wrong, an ahegao or some BDSM or awareness or whatever is nice, it's just not my favorite, because it detracts from the idea that there really aren't any thoughts in their head.
05/22/21 11:01PM
The exact moment when the subject is going into trance. I love when their expression shows the surprise, panic, anticipation or pure joy they are feeling. The look on their face depends on the context of course. It's all about the depiction of change and the dissonance between being awake and hypnotized. <<|This entire sequence is exactly what I am talking about.>>

I also like when the subject is <<|completely out of it.>> A simple blank face isn't enough, however. There needs to be some emotion involved.
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