05/21/21 07:42PM
Online hypnospiral - feedback wanted!
Hey folks :) I don't post here all too often, but sometimes I do - this is one of those times.

So I've been working off and on on a hypnosis program for personal entertainment and friends, and I'm right about where I'm ready to share it around in a more public forum to get some feedback on it. I'm looking for anything constructive - visuals, audio, content, etc etc :)

If you've seen the stuff I upload on here, you'll be very familiar with my primary kinks - sharks, drones, and latex. The hypnospiral is themed as a sharkdrone hypnosis session, and is intended to be a relaxing yet mindcontrolly experience for the user. It is *not* SFW.

For those of you interested in taking a look, be aware that this /has/ been used for real, guided hypnosis sessions, and has been effective for most people. You should obviously only check it out if you're comfortable with that sort of thing.

Some caveats! The web version is an early test, and might not be compatible with all devices. It *will* lag the first time you open it (for about 10-15 seconds), and you need to click somewhere inside the browser window for the audio to kick in. Switching to or from fullscreen may cause some audio crackling during the switch.

CW: actual hypnosis content, mindblanking, sexual suggestions

F : Toggle fullscreen
H : Toggle text
B : "Burst" (best used after 10+ minutes)
M : Toggle audio

Look deep, sit back, and let your mind go blank... drone~

Thanks for the feedback so far! I'll note down some of the things I've seen and heard here, along with some extra links to the native versions you can run locally.


1) It's geared towards female subjects.
Yeah, that's something I should have mentioned. The script it uses, along with the intended guided session that accompanies it, it meant to either a) be for a female subject, or b) be a M2F hypnosis. I might add a male-targeted variant in the future :)

2) It lags and stutters a lot.
Unfortunate, but true. It only really works on Chrome and Firefox, as far as I've seen, and phones have a lot of issues (especially iOS). If you still want to give it a go without the lag, try one of the native versions!

3) The script isn't very varied.
I'll do my best to improve that! Keep in mind that it develops over the course of about half an hour, and starts off pretty basic :)
05/21/21 08:18PM
Pretty neat for the start. Personally I think there could be more/ deffirent words projected onto the screen. Also maybe an options to choose out of different catogories of programing like Drone, slave etc.
05/21/21 08:25PM
devdev1337 said:
Pretty neat for the start. Personally I think there could be more/ deffirent words projected onto the screen. Also maybe an options to choose out of different catogories of programing like Drone, slave etc.

The words actually change over time, so the longer you watch, the more varied (and more different) the words become :) Different categories would be interesting!
05/21/21 08:25PM
Looks absolutelx gorgeous, I love it (: although I miiiiiight be a bit tired now (:
05/21/21 08:48PM
Cool stuff, but I've been here for 5 minutes and it's still lagging.
05/22/21 08:55AM
I've noticed that this is very much meant for a female sub. Personally, I'd like to see a malesub version if possible. It just takes me out of it if the gender reference is off. Outside of that however, this is honestly really good. Definitely one of the better subliminal/spiral type things I've seen.
05/22/21 11:56AM
Amalgamate said:
I've noticed that this is very much meant for a female sub. Personally, I'd like to see a malesub version if possible. It just takes me out of it if the gender reference is off. Outside of that however, this is honestly really good. Definitely one of the better subliminal/spiral type things I've seen.

Thanks! Yeah, it makes a lot of gendered references, but that's mainly because it's meant as a M2F hypnosis in the guided session. A malesub alt might be worth looking into!
05/22/21 12:20PM
Pretty neat, although as Amalgamate said, it's for femsub so it's kinda hard to get into it, but other than that it was a nice experience, looking forward to your other files if you decide to make more!
Also yea it definitely needs some optimization, it's lagging and the audio is stuttering like crazy
05/22/21 11:47PM
Mattlau04 said:
Pretty neat, although as Amalgamate said, it's for femsub so it's kinda hard to get into it, but other than that it was a nice experience, looking forward to your other files if you decide to make more!
Also yea it definitely needs some optimization, it's lagging and the audio is stuttering like crazy

It varies a lot between browsers - Chrome and Firefox seem to work best. I actually have locally runnable versions (Linux, Android, Mac, Windows), too, which are way more reliable.
05/23/21 07:27AM
It looks cool, but it lagged pretty bad on my phone. It never stabilized and i had it open for at least 5 minutes.
05/23/21 09:59PM
NightingaleJune said:
It looks cool, but it lagged pretty bad on my phone. It never stabilized and i had it open for at least 5 minutes.

It does seem like it's pretty much unusable on phones, yeah. Bit of a shame, but there is a native android version.
05/24/21 02:59AM
What I did of it was really enjoyable! I definitely didn't get super super far into it, considering the fact i never even saw any of those apparent femsub leanings, but that wouldn't be an issue for me. What I would like though is something to keep some more visual interest outside of just the user-controlled burst feature, though. Not just in the script, I think that more effects like it, timed more to the actual flow of the session rather than done on a manual button press, could really do good for it.

Still, came out of it a little loopy. That's a good sign!
06/25/21 09:49AM
A few notes:

- Just to get it out of the way, yes to more variety and male versions.
- If you can get some folks together, subtle use of VA wouldn't hurt.
- For what's supposed to be just a fun little novelty, 20 minutes per layer seems a little bit much.
- The "spread", "share", and "convert" suggestions in such a publicly available program presented as a little novelty/timekiller/fap resource is a disaster waiting to happen. I mean, it's not likely to cause any real problems, but it'll certainly end up embarrassing for some users. EDIT: Oh, and "forget" is also kind of an iffy one. I speak from experience, that's a tough one to just throw out there without being very specific, and if things go wrong you really do want a human on hand to deal with it before things get out of hand.
- Level 0.8 has some pretty in-there suggestions for a little pick-up and go novelty. Maybe it's just me, and granted anyone sitting there for over two and a half hours is probably down for it anyways, but you know how melty subs can lose track of time when they get sucked into a spiral.
- Finally, and most importantly, I'd recommend making a publicly- and easily-available dictionary of all suggestions used by the program (and, in the future, which sessions use which). Obviously, these things tend to be more fun going in blind, but at the same time, sometimes it's good to be able to verify exactly what you're getting into (as well as making oversight between tists- which is ultimately what keeps our community safe and together- much easier and more convenient).

So yeah, hopped out of lurking to say this. If anyone remembers me, hello again!

In the meantime, here's a ripped dictionary of all suggestions used as of 6/25/2021:

h3. level 0
h3. "Innocuous lines"
"feels good",
h3. level 0.1
h3. "Light hypnosis; relaxation, suggestions"
"mind open",
"look deeper",
h3. level 0.3
h3. "Stronger hypnotic suggestions"
"good girl",
"watch the spiral",
"accept it",
"say it",
h3. level 0.6
h3. "Sexual suggestions"
"always wet",
"slit dripping",
"fingers deep",
"chest heavy",
h3. level 0.8
h3. "Drone suggestions"
"good drone",
"give in",

(Spoilers and suggestive keywords, duh.)
01/04/22 02:55AM
Zhingouz said:
Hey folks :) I don't post here all too often, but sometimes I do - this is one of those times.

So I've been working off and on on a hypnosis program for personal entertainment and friends, and I'm right about where I'm ready to share it around in a more public forum to get some feedback on it. I'm looking for anything constructive - visuals, audio, content, etc etc :)

If you've seen the stuff I upload on here, you'll be very familiar with my primary kinks - sharks, drones, and latex. The hypnospiral is themed as a sharkdrone hypnosis session, and is intended to be a relaxing yet mindcontrolly experience for the user. It is *not* SFW.

For those of you interested in taking a look, be aware that this /has/ been used for real, guided hypnosis sessions, and has been effective for most people. You should obviously only check it out if you're comfortable with that sort of thing.

Some caveats! The web version is an early test, and might not be compatible with all devices. It *will* lag the first time you open it (for about 10-15 seconds), and you need to click somewhere inside the browser window for the audio to kick in. Switching to or from fullscreen may cause some audio crackling during the switch.

CW: actual hypnosis content, mindblanking, sexual suggestions

F : Toggle fullscreen
H : Toggle text
B : "Burst" (best used after 10+ minutes)
M : Toggle audio

Look deep, sit back, and let your mind go blank... drone~

Thanks for the feedback so far! I'll note down some of the things I've seen and heard here, along with some extra links to the native versions you can run locally.


1) It's geared towards female subjects.
Yeah, that's something I should have mentioned. The script it uses, along with the intended guided session that accompanies it, it meant to either a) be for a female subject, or b) be a M2F hypnosis. I might add a male-targeted variant in the future :)

2) It lags and stutters a lot.
Unfortunate, but true. It only really works on Chrome and Firefox, as far as I've seen, and phones have a lot of issues (especially iOS). If you still want to give it a go without the lag, try one of the native versions!

3) The script isn't very varied.
I'll do my best to improve that! Keep in mind that it develops over the course of about half an hour, and starts off pretty basic :)

Alright... So the links don't actually work. None of the links do.
01/04/22 01:17PM
Picu_Powers said:
Alright... So the links don't actually work. None of the links do.

Oop, sorry about that. I changed my domain provider - links should be fixed now.
1 2>>>

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