06/02/21 02:42AM
An RP between me and Dungeon AI.
Hey, I'm kind of new here, but I've been lurking the boards for awhile. I did have an account, but I lost the password, and don't have an email attached to recover it. Ah well.

I'm just curious if anyone has ever tried using Dungeon AI to write a story. I tried it on a whim a couple weeks ago, and have been experimenting with it since. If it's okay, I'm going to share what we came up with. It's pretty messy as far as writing goes, but I'm thinking about making a proper story out of it. This is just the first part of the story, but it should be enough for now. I can post the rest if others are interested.

[spoiler]You are Terra, a 20 year old woman. Your town was attacked by WASP, and all the women were captured. You have now been brought back to the NEST to be converted into one of their Drones. You're not sure what that means exactly, but you know it sounds very "scientific".

When you first arrived at the nest, there were several other girls in your condition. They looked so helpless, like they had no idea how to react. The next day however, you found out what being a Drone is all about.
As you awoke in your cell, one of WASPs soldiers leads you into a room with a few of the other girls that were captured. The room is full of various medical equipment, along with a few pods along the back wall that could each fit a human inside. One of the pods has a girl inside. She's suspended in an amber colored fluid, and can be seen steadily breathing. Her mind however, is not present. She appears to be unconscious.
Your breathing quickens as you wait for what happens next, as do some of the other girls. Why did this happen? You want to go home.
"Hello," a voice speaks. The whole room turns to see a tall, dark skinned woman enter. Her eyes are a dark black, and her long hair is tied into a ponytail. She wears dark clothing to match her eyes, and several metal bands adorn her wrists. "My name is Doctor Kurrent. It's nice to meet you."
You look around. Where are the other girls? "Why are there so many people in the pods?" You ask.
"Those are your new sisters!" The Doctor says with a smile.

> You say "Sisters? What do you mean?"
The Doctor takes a seat at the table with you and your fellow girls. She explains that you all now have a brand new family and will be treated as such.

> You say "What are you going to do with me?"
"I'm going to make you young and beautiful again." The Doctor smiles.
One by one, the Doctor and her staff enter the room.

> You watch as the other drones line up behind the other girls, and strip them of their clothes. Soon it is your turn as well.
You stand naked as the Doctor looks you over. "You've had sex before, correct?" she asks.
"Yes," you reply.
The Doctor nods. "Excellent," she says.

> You say "What are you going to do to us?"
The Doctor smiles as she enters the pod. You notice that her eyes are devoid of any emotion. She grabs the girl inside the pod and pulls her out. The girl is unconscious, so she doesn't struggle. She then does the same with you, and you end up half inside the pod, half outside. The Doctor fastens you inside the pod before turning to leave.

> You say "Hey, that didn't answer my question! What are you going to do to us?"
"Oh, you'll see." The Doctor grins as she leaves the room.
The girl is dumped on the operating table. She seems to be in a state of shock. The doctor clamps a breathing mask over her mouth and puts an IV in her arm. She attaches several machines to her as well.
The doctor speaks with a few of the other doctors before leaving the room again.

> You helplessly watch as the doctors begin working on the girl.
The doctors begin working on the girl immediately. They hover around her constantly, and check the various readouts on the various machines. After a few moments one of the doctors speaks to you.
"Hello," he says.

> You say, "What are you doing to her?" You know that whatever is happening to her will also likely be your fate as well, once the pod is done with you.
"You'll be fine." He smiles reassuringly before turning away.
You watch the doctors work on her for a few minutes longer before you're too distracted to continue watching.

> You notice that the pod begins to fill with amber colored fluid. As it reaches your toes, you can feel that it's not completely liquid. It's more like a gel like substance.
The fluid continues to rise until it reaches the top of the pod. You feel like there's a small layer of liquid forming inside the pod, but actually its much more than that. The pod has a defined, impersonal barrier between it and the world. The pod also has a defined temperature, one that feels soothing to your skin.
The girl is placed into the tank, naked and unconscious. You watch as the doctors begin to connect up several tubes leading to the tank. You're curious about what they're doing, but they can't hear you inside the pod.
The pod has a clear glass wall on the front and back that allow you to see the girl inside. It also has speakers connected to the inside so you can hear what is going on.
The doctors begin an IV in her arm which is connected to the tank. By watching what is happening, you see that the fluid in the tank begins to circulate. The girl is placed next to another girl, and as you watch, you see them both sigh. The one in the tank begins to slowly wake up. Soon she opens her eyes and looks around. You watch as the other one looks at her and they begin to talk, touching hands and touching faces. It seems to be some kind of code between the two of them. They sit next to each other and suddenly, they both stand up and begin to do a little dance.
Soon they stop and turn to each other, hugging and kissing a bit. Then they turn to you and the girl in the tank, waving and smiling. It seems they are happy to see you.
"Hello new sister," they say in unison. "We know you're scared right now, but things will be alright, as long as you don't resist."
Neither of them is actually speaking to you, yet somehow they clearly see you in the tank. You wave and smile back at them. They continue to speak, seemingly to each other.
As the fluid takes effect, you feel yourself feeling sleepy. Soon, you're just floating in one of the pods, just like all of the other captured girls around you. You find yourself drifting off, and then...
Your final thoughts are of the girl in the tank. She seems so happy.
The next thing you're aware of is the fluid in the pod draining. You're lying on the steel table, completely naked, your arms and legs restrained. You look around, but can't see anything.
You try to scream, but find that you can't even move your vocal cords.
Just like with the girl before, there are doctors and medical machines surrounding you. What do they have planned for you now?
You can hear a woman's voice from the speakers. It seems to be the woman from before.
"It's time for your procedure," she says. "We're going to make you more pleasing to the eye."

> You your eyes tremble with fear. You couldn't see what the doctors did to the other girl, so you don't know what is in store for you.
Just as the woman was making those reassuring words, you felt a needle pierce your skin. Whatever it was, it burned like hell. Then you felt something being poured into your eyes. It was a thick goo that burned like the devil. You couldn't see for a few seconds, but the burning sensation was going away rapidly.

> You the goo seemed to seep straight back, behind your eyes, and into your brain.
The pain was excruciating. You could see, but everything was bluring. Your vision went back and forth between working fine and blackness.
A voice came from the speakers in the ceiling. It was that same woman's voice.
"We're going to have to keep you restrained for a while. As you probably can tell, this healing process is highly experimental. Please remain calm."
They put devices over your clit and nipples. "You think this one will be fit to be a full Drone, or will she just be fodder for the generator," you hear one doctor ask another.
"She's got potential, if she can survive the process. She could be turned into a..."
You blacked out.
When you woke up, you found yourself naked and in a large tank.
The devices they attached to you are still there. It seems they are used to measure the reactions of your body to certain stimuli. You can feel them, and they'redetecting your arousal.
Amazing... this machine can detect my body's response to stimuli!
There's a woman in a suit watching you. At first you think its the same woman who talked to you earlier.
Then she speaks.
"Hello, B-35. I'm Dr. Kovas. It's a pleasure to meet you. I understand you're one of our newest recruits."

> You want to ask her what they're doing to you, and what they meant before about Drones and generators. Unfortunately, you can't speak through the fluid.
Oh, I see... Any questions before we begin the training process?
You want to ask many things, but your body doesn't let you speak. You just circle your hands into fists and nod eagerly.
They attach some sensors to your head, and they can hear what you're thinking. "Training? What do you mean." you ask.
Great, the devices can read my mind! I'm not letting that go to waste.
Dr. Kovas explains that the sensors are able to scan your brain and body, allowing her to figure out what kind of drone you should become.
You have many options, and she will explain what each does and which would be best for you.
She begins the training. For the first part of it, she'll just speak through the mask.

> You feel as the stimulators on your breasts and clit start up. Those with high fluid output are used as batteries to fuel the NEST.
As she explains what the training entails, you become highly aroused.
While most Drones move around the NEST to carry out their jobs, Batteries spend their lives hooked up to the generators, while machines extract sexual fluids from them. In between, other Drones pleasure them with various mechanical devices.

While the idea of being a battery arouses you, you don't want to give up your freedom to do it. You hear what other Drones do while the devices attached to you continue to buzz and pulse, massaging your body.
"You can change your mind at any time. You're in no immediate danger, and we could have a lot of fun. The choice is yours." Dr. Kurrent says.
You blush as you hear your own voice.
"The... the training is... yes, please." You think you say.
She starts off with a sensual massage that quickly gets to your sex. The attachment rubs up and down along your sex, sending waves of pleasure through you. You moan into the speaker as tiny ripples of ecstasy explode through you.
"... O-oh! Mmmm... yes!"
"This is bliss," you think.
The training continues for quite some time, with you constantly aroused and in ecstasy. You're floating in a sea of pleasure as you reach after the sensations of it.
It's too good to be true.
"Are you enjoying yourself B-35," the Doctor asks.
"Oh yes. The training is... incredible," you think, before speaking. "I'm enjoying myself."
She rewards you with more touches, and you feel yourself being pushed further and further into bliss.
It's too good to be true...
"Yes. You are enjoying yourself," the woman says through the speaker while the trainer continues to massage your body.
While being pleasured, subliminal audio begins being played in the pod.
"You are a drone. You exist to give ecstasy. All that matters is the constant feeling of bliss. The constant feeling of ecstasy."

> You say "mmmph, yes... bliss..."
"Drones give ecstasy. That is what is important," the subliminal message continues.
The messages begins to drill into your brain.

> You say "Yeeesss..."
"You are a drone. You existed to give ecstasy. To all that look upon you, you are an extension of joy. An everlasting expression of pleasure."
The messages continues to play in your head as the trainer works on your body, massaging away your stress and worries.
"Imagine," the message says, "a world where every human can experience total ecstasy."
"Imagine a world without conflict. Where everyone can experience life in its fullest."
"Here, you need not worry about anything except how you release your ecstasy."
Your mind begins to wander as the messages play on a loop.
"... Mmmm... yes. Release ecstasy. Let it flow through you. Let it fill you up."
From the control panel, Dr. Kurrent watches as you give in to the bliss. The screen displayed that you were giving off a steady supply of sexual fluids.
"I knew it," she smiles, "this is good. This shows that you not only have a healthy sex drive, but that you're also receptive to the ideas of becoming a drone."
She presses a few buttons, and the device attached to your crotch stops its buzzing.
"It seems I have found you a good fit."
As the buzzing subsides, you feel a pang of emptiness. "Why did you stop it Doctor," you ask.
"To test a theory," Dr. Kurrent says as she takes a seat at the desk, "I wanted to see if you would become unaroused without the stimulation of that machine."
"Ah," you say, disappointed.
"Now, I will need to run a few more tests, but I think you'll be a good candidate for the process."
"The Proccess?"
"Yes. It's very simple. You'd become highly motivated, able to work long hours with little rest and even enjoy the process."
You take a moment to think about it.
"mmmph yes," you say, "Anything to feel that bliss again. Let's get started."
Dr. Kurrent smiles. "Excellent. This should be interesting.
You are removed from the tank, and follow Dr. Kurrent into another room. This one has a set of restraints hanging over a pool full of a dark thick liquid. You can't quite figure out what it is.
"Are you going to enslave me?" you ask.
"Oh no. This pool isn't an enslaving liquid. It's a binding one."
"What do you mean?"
"All drones are given an artificial second skin. It helps monitor your health, deliver nutrients, and provides an extra layer of protection." She leans in close. "It can also stimulate and massage your body. The liquid in this pool is special. If you get into it, it will bind with your skin and this new coating, making it near impossible to remove."
"Huh," you say, "And the coating feels good?"
"Oh, much better than good."
You look over at the pool. It's a bit darker than the rest of the liquid, almost black. The liquid is murky, with a few bright spots moving back and forth, up and down.
We just need to lock you into these restraints, then we can apply the coating.
You raise an eyebrow, indicating you're confused.
"Are you nervous?" she asks, "It's completely safe. You'll feel nothing but a pleasant sensation."
You look the restraints over. They seem complicated, but you're fairly certain you could figure them out.
"Are you able to understand me?" she asks.
"Yes," you reply, "But why do I need the restraints?"
"To keep you from sinking into the liquid."

> You step in front of the restraints, and the doctor locks you in place.
"Of course," she says, "You'll need to get your second layer on."
The doctor grabs the remote from the restraint, and presses a button.
the frame lifts you up, then positions you over the binding fluid.
The locking mechanism clicks into place, and your body sinks into the liquid.
The doctor flips a switch on the remote, and the frame drops you into the liquid.
You're left up to your neck in the fluid for a few minutes before the machine starts to lift you back out.
Once you're out, the doctor swabs your skin again with a solution. After several minutes of waiting, she grabs a cart from the side of the room and rolls it over to you. The cart has a number of different machines and tools on it.
You're wondering what she's planning to do.
"I need to strap you down," she says as she grabs the restraint and wraps it around your head. It's a little tight, but not uncomfortably so.
"All drones have this implant placed by their head," she said while pointing to a device that looks like a hearing aid. "This'll allow you to hear and communicate over the WASP network. I also need to strap down your feet and your arms.

> You go along with the Doctor's instructions, now fully trusting her.
"It's OK," you smile, "I want to feel every sensation you can give."
The doctor begins wrapping straps around your body. She goes back and forth trying to get the fit just right, adjusting straps and readjusting the headgear until you're completely restrained. Then she moves to your feet.
It's a lot tighter when she straps your feet to the bottom of the frame, but once again you feel completely helpless.
"Perfect," she says as she steps back and looks down at you. "Alright, let's start up the process. I'm going to program you with a name while we wait."

> You ask, "What is my name?"
"You may refer to you by a identification number only. You have two, which are automatically assigned to you on, umm, capture."

> You say "You called me B-35 earlier. Is that it?"
"Yes, that's correct."
"OK, then."
The doctor smiles at you, then hit a button on the remote. The lights in the room begin to flicker on and off rapidly.

> You feel a machine lower down from the ceiling, and align itself next to your head.
A click is heard as the machine slides into place, locking down around your head.
The straps holding you down prevent you from struggling, but you can still move your head around.
"It's started," the doctor says, "We'll begin in just a moment, B-35."
You try to nod, but the restraints have you completely locked down. The next thing you feel is a small poke alongside your ear. A mild electric current passes through your body, then the poke repeats in the other ear. You wince a bit from the sudden pain, but it doesn't feel too bad.
"We're also installing a device in your navel that will monitor your health. It'll be a bit uncomfortable at first, but it'll become second nature after a few days. You'll get used to the adjustments that will be made to your body as well.
"Alright," you say as you brace yourself. You're left wondering how it'll feel to be a battery. Hopefully just like being in the tube earlier. Maybe even better.
The device is slid into place quickly, and the straps are released. Your body feels odd. Not quite how you remember it doing things before, but it'll get used to it.
"B-35, how do you feel?" the doctor asks.
"A bit strange, but not bad. What's next?"
"Well, we're almost done. We'll be placing the last device soon. B-35, are you ready for that?"
You got to say, this is pretty exciting for you.

> You say "Yes, let's do it"
"Good," the doctor says as she begins to write something on a card. "We're going to need you to stand up."
You stand up and follow the doctor as she leads you out of the room and along a hallway. You notice a bunch of other women in the same situation as you walk behind, with devices locked tight around their heads. Some of them you recognize as being from the same town as you, but you can't recall their names.
Eventually, you come to a set of stairs.
"This is it," the doctor says. "Welcome to your new life."
The doctor leads you up the stairs and into a large room above them.
The room is filled with several large pillars, each with several chambers built into the sides. Within each of these chambers is a Battery Drone, who are each in a state of bliss. None of them notice you as you enter the room.
"These are the lucky ones," the doctor says.

> You tilt your head in confusion. "What happens to the unlucky ones," You ask.
"They go to work."
You look at the Batteries. They're so... content. Blissful, even. You've seen humans in a bliss like that, but not batteries.
Knowing that this will be your new home makes you shiver in anticipation. You feel like you're going to explode with energy. This is it. This is the life for you.
The doctor leads you over to one of the pillars and inserts the chip into a slot on the inside. A door on the side of the pillar opens, revealing a form fitting notch in the back of the chamber.
"Please stick your arms and legs in the slots B-35."
You comply, and the doctor locks you into the notches. As your limbs are pulled inside, you notice that the batteries have thick black liquid leaking out of their orifices.
"Is this where the binding fluid comes from," you ask the Doctor.
"Indeed," the Doctor says,
Next, the doctor insets a probe into your leaking pussy, and a vibrator to you clit. She locks it in as well.
"Now, we begin," she says as she presses a couple buttons, and the pillar begins to hum with power.
The Doctor claps her hands.

> You immediately feel the effects of the probe, as the pleasure starts to build. "Ha, Ha," you gasp. Next the Doctor starts the next step.
The vibrator inside you immediately turns on, and you gasp in pleasure as your sex begins to pulsate with every beat of the powerful vibrations.
"Ah..." you moan.
The doctor then grabs your sensitive breasts, and massages them for a bit. You let out a moan of ecstasy.
"Good, good. Now we begin phase two," the Doctor says.
Not wishing to disappoint, the second phase begins immediately.
The Doctor puts a set of vibrators on your nipples, and stimulation pads on your breasts. With another button pressed, the vibrators and other devices turn on with a powerful pulse.
"Ah! Doctor!" you moan.
The onslaught of pleasure is too much, and you can't handle it.

> You cum, and release your fluids into the collection tube below you.
Your body feels like it's on fire, but you don't care. All you want to do is release into the tube below you. Your body convulses as your muscles contract and pulsate.
The doctor smiles while watching this take place. Watching a new Battery cum for the first time never got old. She ran her fingers through the new drone's hair. Quite lovely, really.
"Phase three," she says with a smile. "And the most important one."
A new, clear tube lowers from the ceiling. It's slightly bigger than the last one you used.
"This is yours," she says, pointing at it. "Now, cum and get yourself prepared for your new life."

> You quickly build to another peak, and quickly orgasm. As you do this, the tube attaches to your mouth. It will provide you food regularly, so you never need to exit the chamber.
Your body continues to pulsate as you ride out your orgasm. Your heart beats faster and faster, as your body releases endorphins to make the experience enjoyable.
As your body recovers, the third phase of the procedure is ready to begin.
"Please," the doctor says with a smile, "get on with it."
The implants in your head activate, and suddenly, you can hear the thoughts of the hundreds of other Battery Drones in the room, all moaning together like a symphony of pure bliss.
"Ah...!" you moan.
The Battery Drones' minds overwhelm you, as these hundreds of human minds all experience one thing together: Sex.
"Drones," the Doctor says over the network to the other Batteries, "This is your new sister, B-35. Please give her a warm welcome."
The hundreds of minds all experience one mind, and the pleasure begins to tear at your very being. You feel a thousand tongues on your body, as you writhe in ecstasy.
"Ah!" you moan.
The voices of the Batteries enter your mind, joining the voices of the many women all moaning in unison.
"Please, sisters, let this new Battery join us," one of the Batteries asks. "Give her a round of applause, and welcome her to the family."
You watch as hundreds of pairs of lips cover the mouthpiece below you.
"Welcome, B-35," the voices of the Batteries welcome you. "We are so happy to have you join us!"
The new tube lowers down, just in time to collect your fluids. As it fills, the tube begins to vibrate, speeding up the evaporation process. Soon, the tube is empty, and the door lifts up.
"Thank you," you say to the hundreds of Batteries, "for your warm welcome."
"Thank you, sister," they all reply.
Once you exit the room, you begin your new life as a Battery, in a new pod. As you find your place in the family, you know this is just the beginning... [/spoiiler]

06/02/21 02:48AM
Just some notes. Essentially, after I posted, I kept refreshing the AI response until I felt it was something I could work off of. Sometimes, I would make small edits for consistency, as the AI often forgets older details unless you pin them. When I couldn't get it to cooperate with me, I would switch to the Story command, and put in a description of the next scene. There were a few points where I was the GM, and the AI would take over as my character, and we would switch.

Overall, it was pretty fun.
06/02/21 03:37AM
Might want to put that in spoiler tag not to take up this much space, just sayin'

["spoiler"]["/spoiler"] (remove quotes)
06/02/21 08:22AM
It's pretty incoherent at the start but the end is actually kinda hot.
06/02/21 09:00AM
Babylon said:
It's pretty incoherent at the start but the end is actually kinda hot.

Yeah, that's how it usually goes. I was just playing along, but the AI didn't know what to do, so it either would extend the scene, wait for me to take the initiative, or blurt random nonsense. Things kind of locked into place once the idea of being a human battery came into play. I was going to have the Doctor show me the different types of Drones, but once my character agreed to the training, I just steered it towards becoming a human battery.

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