06/09/21 08:24AM
I'm gonna try doing writing comms
So, as the title says, I want to start doing writing commissions. I am not incredibly well versed in writing for lengths, or taking comms, but I need money so here I am.

[spoiler=why i need money]I need money because my savings have depleted. My living situation can be... removed at any time, I'll say. So I definitely need any extra I can get.
I'm making enough to pay my bills at current (I don't pay rent), but I do not have enough to find a new place nor save much.[/spoiler]

Now, I don't have a resume of my work, by any means. If any of you remember Sophia's my little pony arts from somewhat recently, the text was done by me. I have written a couple longer things, though they aren't online for me to link here.

If you have an idea you want written into a scene or story, but don't know how to do that yourself, please send me a pm. I don't know how many I will do, but I will, of course, do first come first serve.
I will charge $10 for 1000 words, and may charge more for certain things.

[spoiler=Do's and Don'ts]I am willing to write about just about any kink or lack thereof. I will however probably charge extra (depending on severity) for:
-Writing especially in-character if I don't know the character really well (think uh countreh assent, n' all 'o' that. Or giving them canon-like reactions)

And will not do:

Please try and be specific about what you want in the story, or to keep out of it. Thank you in advance, and thank you for the consideration.
06/09/21 09:26AM
Pm sent
07/01/21 07:03PM
Haven't had many takers, but just bumping to let y'all know I'm still taking and doing comms.

Turns out they're kinda fun?
07/01/21 07:12PM
If you've done some, do you have any examples?
07/01/21 07:23PM
eldomtom2 said:
If you've done some, do you have any examples?

Yeah, I have a couple short ones. I guess I can just copy/paste into spoilers here.

[spoiler=short smut]
My name is Nyotl, and I have a small problem. Well, actually a pretty big one. I used to be a goddess, but after a recent clash between the gods and the Demon Lords, I was captured. While I was captured they did something to me, but I can’t remember what at all…
“Fank yu,” I manage to say while I deepthroat this human’s massive cock, “for oozing mee~”
“Shut up and keep sucking,” the man says, pulling me by the ears and fucking my face, “you dumb bitch.”
I wince a little but the sharp pain from having my ears yanked so hard sends jolt after jolt of pleasure through every fiber of my being. I take his whole shaft as far as it will go into my tight fucktoy of a throat, letting my tongue flail around it, savoring the taste and taking in the mortal musk.
He looks down at me, pulls my head off his throbbing dick and asks me “What did you say you were?”
“I’m Nyotl, Goddess of the Unfortunate!” I reply with a smile, tongue out and eyes looking up at him blankly.
He shrugs, and much to my enjoyment he plunges my face back onto his penis. We continue for a few more minutes and he finally bottoms out, pushing my nose to the side with such force I thought it broke for a second. All my thoughts drain out as he gushes his slimy semen into my throat, my eyes roll back and I feel my tongue trying to lap up any I dropped. Little attention I paid, I couldn’t have dropped any, sucking it out straight from the source. He lets go with a relieved sigh.
“That’s all I wanted. Thanks for humoring me.”
Popping off his rapidly limpening penis, I smile at him. “Of course! It’s my duty to perform any sexual act asked of me!” Something sounds off about that to me, but that’s what a goddess is for, right? This is how a goddess gains followers!
“Right. I’m going to take my leave now.” and without another word he redresses and exits my inn room.
As the door closes back, my eyes widen as some sort of feeling builds in my chest. My smile widens, my nipples stiffen, my already aching pussy gushes as the feeling spreads and spreads. Just as it reaches the last inch of me I realize it’s all pleasure, I bite my lip and arch my back as my sight fades to white. My whole body convulsing like I’ve been struck by lightning, not a single thought left in my head until my vision starts to return.
What was I just doing? I feel really hot, I’m naked on the floor, and I feel full. I blink a couple times and stand up. I must have masturbated or something.


[spoiler=short non-sexual]
I, a simple storyteller hailing from the distant deserts, have survived quite a tale that I feel the need to regale to all those who are willing to listen. It’s one I can scarcely believe happened, let alone that I made it out. I won’t say alive, for I haven’t been alive in centuries. It all begins with a young woman, an adventurer by the name of Liz. She wasn’t an adventuring type, her heritage was good and she could have glided by life with few cares to be had. Instead, that gold and reputation allowed her to hire a couple people to help her with her one true dream: to slay a wicked monster and claim the fame to bring her family greater standing in the kingdom. Noble of her. Too noble.
My place in this story? I’m a storyteller, and a historian. Every major event in the course of history I have been present for. Why that is shall be a story for another day; Liz hired me to make sure that she had proof or someone to tell her family her fate. Let not the raspy voice of history’s most passive lich dissuade you from listening in. Let us begin.

Four people approach the dilapidated gaol; Liz strapped with her shield and sword, the greatsword-wielding Jack, a wizard from the local college known as Kait, and I. I recall Liz musing that this was no place for a creature to make base in. Reactions to this were mixed, given a hired hand couldn’t care less and Kait was here to further her studies. The place was missing it’s door and from the outside looked as though a bad wind could knock the whole thing asunder. Bricks missing, brief looks inside revealed bent and rusted bars of the various cells. A waste in my opinion. We follow as Liz makes her way inside, noting to watch our steps.
Inside was not much better, the ground overgrown with grass and other plants, a small section where a guard would have been stationed across from the cells. We could plainly see a small pack of something at the hall’s end, where the stairs would allow us to continue upwards toward our true goal. We, not quite eagerly and yet not cautiously, proceed toward the group and discover them to be exactly what one would expect to have inhabited such a place in disrepair. Small, green-skinned and covered in makeshift armor from whatever shiny things they managed to scrounge up, we beheld a group of goblins! Jack made quick work of smashing two of them into a wall, something I was wary of considering the movement the wall made, and Kait set fire to the last two. I still often wonder which two had the worst of it, the ones on fire had not a swift death and one full of pain at that. However, the ones smashed against the wall would be forever a stain on the wall, red and chunked. Our resident muscle-bound warrior made way up the stairs first, with a gusto of ‘let’s get it over with’, much to his folly. A single step gave way under him, allowing him to fall through what would be nearly the second floor. With the heavy armor he chose to wear, his speed increased until he landed as ungracefully as he could: on his outstretched and locked arm. We could easily see he’d no longer be able to wield the sword he carried any longer, and thus left him to gather himself. I am the only one left to say his injuries were greater than expected and his armor sold for cheaper.
We had become much more aware of the hazards, avoiding the same fate as our “friend”. The second floor of the gaol was… wildly different. I can barely understand how, the walls were fixed and the place was dark. Kait and I blinked along to our respective darkvisions. The place was open, all the cells removed and decorated with tapestries, shelves of jars containing gods know what, and a throne at the very back. I wanted to tell Liz and Kait to turn back. I desperately wanted this feeling deep inside my bones to leave. All I could muster to them was a whispered “No”.
Kait took a step forward, squinting toward the throne, “That’s... “
“A Mind Flayer.” Liz interjected with a smile, she thought full well she could kill it.
The Illithid stood up from it’s throne. Something wasn’t right, I could tell it was disguising itself, but it was most certainly an Illithid. Before anyone could get their bearings, you can all guess what happened. Mind blast, the signature skill of any mind flayer. I was staggered by it, but psionics don’t affect me otherwise. Alas, the other two, fragile as they were, were gravely incapacitated by it. Liz fell to the floor unconscious, and Kait had the mind to stay upright but she looked so painfully dazed, unable to do anything but stare forward. Along the flayer makes it’s trek to its new food, noticing that I was unaffected, it readied for a fight.
“I-I’m just,” I begin to stutter, “I’m just a historian! I don’t want a fight, I just need to know what happens!” The flayer turns from me with what I believe was a “you don’t have the meat I want”. Don’t look at me like that, I don’t speak deep.
It walked over to Kait, it must have felt her mind being better suited as the first meal. It lowered it’s disguise, the flayer turned out to be but a ceremorph. Not even suitable enough to be a flayer in its own right, but a rogue attempt that failed, only to leave them in a mostly human state. I watched in horror as the jaw shifted to reveal the tentacles, the ceremorph grunting and wincing in pain to prepare to even eat. Two tentacles rapidly pierce into Kait’s ears, shattering her eardrums and dripping blood everywhere. Her face barely changed, just how dazed was she? Two more, straight into her forehead, breaking open her skull and revealing her brain: the most nutritious thing for our dear enemy.
I had dearly wished Liz to wake, but she lay there on the ground moving not a single muscle. Kait’s body dropped to the ground as her nerves and eyes were ripped from the singular meal extracted from her skull. So much blood lay on the ground, alike to the walls downstairs but… so much cleaner. Without so much a bite, the ceremorph swallows the brain whole and turns toward Liz. She was just starting to come to, that poor girl. The ceremorph focuses on Liz intently and mind blasts again, I could tell they did but… it was clearly focused on her.
Liz stood up. Her face was blank as could be, more so than Kait’s was. Our tentacled adversary leans in, as if whispering something to her, and all Liz does from that point is take her gear off and hand it to me. She stands there, stoic, in just her underclothes trusting me to leave and deliver the now enslaved girl’s belongings to her family. I made my way back, quickly and not turning back.
I don’t know what happened after I left, but I can only assume the ceremorph found some way to use her until she would become another meal for them.

I have written a couple for someone on here, if they see this and would like to share, I'll leave it to them.
I'm sorry I don't have more to share, but I hope it gives you an idea of what my writing is like.

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