06/09/21 02:50PM
Writers, I offer you my assistance
I noticed a lot of people posting about writing commissions, lately, as well as folks talking about writing fiction pieces in general. It's kind of a hot topic right now, so I figured I'd put myself out there and offer my skills to assist anyone who wants it.
I consider myself pretty good at writing, but I'm much better at editing, proofreading, and providing critical feedback for others.
If any writers out there would like to utilize my service, I'm not asking much in return; only $1 for every $5 you're making on a commission piece (I may ask a little more if your story exceeds 15k words). If you're not writing for a commission, and only doing so for personal pleasure or otherwise, I may just base my fee on how many words your story contains or is intended to be.
It may sound like a lot, asking 20%, but it's because I'll be reading your story over multiple times, spending as much time as, (and in some rare cases, more time than) you spent writing, in order to give you meaningful feedback and suggestions. I may not be doing the writing myself, but I'm helping you improve yours so that the commissioner ends up happy, and anyone who reads the story or stories publicly can have an easier time reading and enjoying your work.
I edit relatively quickly, but stories that require more attention, or are just outright longer, will take more time.

Send me a DM here if you're interested! I check the hub once a day in morning or night, depending on how my day goes.
06/09/21 02:58PM
Do you have any examples of your work?
06/09/21 03:23PM
eldomtom2 said:
Do you have any examples of your work?

Yea... y'know, that would have been good to include in my post.
First and only public piece(s) I've worked on are here:
with one more piece currently being discussed between myself and Contorted here on the hub.

My methods are as follows:
I read the story through once just to get the general idea and flow of the piece.
I make another pass, fully checking for spelling errors and sentence clarity and punctuation.
Then, I make comments and suggestions where the error is larger than a missing punctuation mark, erroneous contraction or apostrophe (they/re vs their, dog's when they meant dogs, etc), or a small typo. This usually includes sentence structure or syntax that needs to be refactored for clarity, but sometimes for eliminating fluff or excessive wordiness.
After I'm done, I give it another couple passes to make sure I was thorough, and send it back or remind the writer to check the google drive document, depending. From that point, the writer makes any changes they wish and is welcome to discuss the logic of my suggestions with me, or explain why they think their way is better.
Once that step is complete, I make another full pass at the story.
I suggest any final edits, and from there, the story is out of my hands unless the writer would like more direct help on specific parts or sections.

Hope that clarifies things!

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