06/09/21 08:17PM
The Mental Block Wiki is shutting down in ONE WEEK
We can't appeal the decision, but they're giving us one week to save what we can.

If you have anything you want saved, do it now
06/09/21 08:23PM
Napavalleydays said:
We can't appeal the decision, but they're giving us one week to save what we can.

If you have anything you want saved, do it now

Fuck man. At this point I expect the concept of hypnosis to end up as some type of forgotten lore, only whispered in the ancient tomes, spoken about only by the most learned of monks.

Seriously, anyone else feel like these big companies are just trying to completely erase hypnosis as a concept?
06/09/21 09:00PM
damn, another site getting nuked, big rip :/

Mindcollector13 said:
Seriously, anyone else feel like these big companies are just trying to completely erase hypnosis as a concept?

it's not even a feeling anymore, they're really going all out on it

idk if it's just from it being """rape""" (because obviously you can't consent to hypnosis), but I wouldn't be surprised.....
06/09/21 09:17PM
Mindcollector13 said:
Seriously, anyone else feel like these big companies are just trying to completely erase hypnosis as a concept?

I kind of agree. They'll only pay lip service to removing MC content as long as general public sentiment is against it - which isn't hard to imagine, since this is already a fairly niche fetish, and skirts that consensual non-consent line.

IIRC, the only companies taking any steps against this are Patreon and Visa (correction: lists more that try to ban or soft-ban hypnosis).

Twitter, Subscribestar, tfgamesite, and, as well as a bunch of Japanese sites (DLSite, pixiv) all seem fine with it, so I don't think this movement, if it can be called a movement, will gain too much traction.

In the US at least, if the <<|wiki page on legal status of fictional pornography involving minors>> is anything to go by, there is a very, very high bar to get any obviously fictional MC content legally banned on the federal level. State-level bans may vary. (As an aside, has anyone here read through the entirety of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition?)

Of course, companies may voluntarily refuse to allow MC content, but other companies have hosted much, much worse content before, and legally too. MC content is much, much better in comparison, so I find it extremely unlikely no one at all would be willing to host MC websites.

So in the worst case, we can still congregate around privately-owned servers, and still find someone to host that content (actual webdevs, please correct me on the terminology if I got anything wrong!)

That being said, can someone fill me in on what's HypnoHub's status? I want to say we have our own server somewhere in the US (Baltimore?), but my memory is fuzzy.
06/09/21 10:17PM
God fucking dammit i hate it here
06/09/21 10:29PM
oh you have got to be fucking kidding me
06/09/21 11:26PM
Seems like someone has a plan in mental block's discussion page.

Save the wiki!
Hey people, no idea who's aware or not, but the wiki is about to be shut down. Following negotiations, we have about one week to save everything we can on here before that time.

I dunno if anyone's still around, or if admins are active, but please, if you're able, try to transfer as much as possible to the new wiki at Miraheze. In particular, images need to be downloaded/scraped separately, since they aren't part of the XML files given by FANDOM.

Mental Block
06/10/21 12:08AM
Yes, I'm the one who posted that in the discussion - the Miraheze mirror already has a sizable amount of links, but it still needs some manual labor to finish (unfortunately, FANDOM does provide .XML files, but these are not recommended when new pages with the same name exist), so any help copying and pasting pages into it would be appreciated. If possible, just create any page that doesn't exist by going through the list of works, copy the source from the original wiki, then paste.

I'm trying to work out a way to download the images separately. They can be transferred afterwards, though; priority is to save the pages themselves.

To be honest, this small timeframe was fairly avoidable; there was a notification it would be shut down for about a year or so now, so people created the Miraheze page and started saving stuff on it, but since we got no news, I think those responsible for creating the mirror just kinda stopped working on it, which is stupid in retrospect.
06/10/21 12:25AM
TheMadPrince said:
Yes, I'm the one who posted that in the discussion - the Miraheze mirror already has a sizable amount of links, but it still needs some manual labor to finish (unfortunately, FANDOM does provide .XML files, but these are not recommended when new pages with the same name exist), so any help copying and pasting pages into it would be appreciated. If possible, just create any page that doesn't exist by going through the list of works, copy the source from the original wiki, then paste.

Right, I forgot that this was the point of this thread. Is everyone currently helping this effort doing this by hand, or has someone already scraped the wiki partially with a script, or...?

I'm guess what I'm trying to say is: could you clarify what exactly needs to be saved? Can you bring us up to speed on the problem and existing approaches to solutions?

Is everybody currently working on this doing this by hand? I know that there are a few among the MC community who can do at least some software. Assuming that they've already looked at the problem, how come trawling the website doesn't work? If it doesn't work, what doesn't it catch?

If I were to write a script to download the wiki, what would I need to scrape? The first post from the wiki indicates that images need to be downloaded separately, but then TheMadPrince implies that the images are already downloaded, and it's actually the text pages that need to be downloaded. Is that because all the images are all backed up already?

Are comments any kind of priority? If someone already has a partial solution in place, then where's the code and examples of any pages that said solution missed?
06/10/21 01:13AM
As a foreword, I will mention that I only got invested in this since, like, last week. I knew the wiki was about to be shut down, but I assumed that people had been working on bringing the mirror up to date. This does not seem to have been the case - I'm not exactly sure when the efforts were stopped. Apparently, Miraheze themselves are supposed to transfer database files, yet for some reason the website is very incomplete, leading me to believe that either Miraheze stopped updating, or that the people who undertook the original task did so manually, and gave up halfway.
This isn't exactly made easier by the fact that no one really seems to know who actually created the Miraheze thing in the first place; I'm in contact with one of the (Fandom) Mental Block admins, but they don't seem to have administrative permissions on Miraheze. Furthermore, they told me apparently someone had been harvesting images from Fandom, but they don't know who it is.

To summarize, it's kind of a clusterfuck, and I'm a newcomer looking to make sense of all this basically one week before it shuts down, with no prior knowledge of database transfer or wiki handling. Hell, the wiki was shut down; it's only because I sent an email to support and they agreed to give us one more week that it's currently up still.
You're all free to go check out <<|the thread on MC Forum>> (requires an account) if you're curious, though.

anonlv000 said:
Right, I forgot that this was the point of this thread. Is everyone currently helping this effort doing this by hand, or has someone already scraped the wiki partially with a script, or...?

I'm guess what I'm trying to say is: could you clarify what exactly needs to be saved? Can you bring us up to speed on the problem and existing approaches to solutions?

So, we already have complete database files (.XML), but the issue is that the Miraheze site has already been worked on a little, which according to both them and Fandom is likely to cause errors in page names and histories should the database be uploaded on top of the existing new pages. Hence the manual effort.

anonlv000 said:
Is everybody currently working on this doing this by hand?

Well, "everybody" seems to be a limited number of people right now. I haven't seen anyone work on this apart from me - in the <<|Miraheze recent changes page>>, I'm one of, like, two accounts currently reported as having done any changes in the past couple days.

anonlv000 said:
I know that there are a few among the MC community who can do at least some software. Assuming that they've already looked at the problem, how come trawling the website doesn't work? If it doesn't work, what doesn't it catch?

Both Miraheze and Fandom have a pretty easy way (.xml databases) to transfer page/history content between each other, but I already explained why I think the database method is probably a bad idea. That said, if someone that's a bit savvier than me wants to have a go at that, I don't mind. I have a Drive link to the most recent database files <<|here.>>

anonlv000 said:
If I were to write a script to download the wiki, what would I need to scrape? The first post from the wiki indicates that images need to be downloaded separately, but then TheMadPrince implies that the images are already downloaded, and it's actually the text pages that need to be downloaded. Is that because all the images are all backed up already?

Images aren't downloaded (or at least, most of them aren't). I'm currently trying to use Wget to do it, but if anyone has a better idea I don't mind handing it over to them. I'm trying to say that if we manage to download the images, we can then upload the ones missing separately, even after the Fandom website shuts down. They still need to be downloaded, though.
As for what "needs to be scraped", it's mostly just the images and the pages that haven't been put in yet.
Again, the Miraheze site actually has more content than I thought ; but there's still quite a bit missing.

anonlv000 said:
Are comments any kind of priority? If someone already has a partial solution in place, then where's the code and examples of any pages that said solution missed?

I haven't seen any way to comment on Miraheze, so I don't know if it's even worth trying to save comments. No code right now (or at least, none that I have access to); as mentioned, just database files and manual labor.
06/10/21 01:41AM
I thought this was happening for months. i have bookmarked the new link months ago cause it was said it was going down, i guess the people over there haven't started going through the process of moving things over till now when they only have a week left. I can't even get to the site anymore on my end.
06/10/21 02:55AM
I never used the site too much but that sucks >.>
06/10/21 04:51AM
TheMadPrince said:
Images aren't downloaded (or at least, most of them aren't). I'm currently trying to use Wget to do it, but if anyone has a better idea I don't mind handing it over to them. I'm trying to say that if we manage to download the images, we can then upload the ones missing separately, even after the Fandom website shuts down. They still need to be downloaded, though.
As for what "needs to be scraped", it's mostly just the images and the pages that haven't been put in yet.

Right, wget was my first reaction too. Beyond general familiarity with tech and command line things, I've only used wget to scrape all the stories from I do not have any further experience with using wget.

If you're not sure what pages that haven't been put in yet, then you might as well download everything anyways.

I don't know how familiar you are with software, but if you're having trouble actually getting wget to work, let me know. I can try to take over from there.

If you already know how to use it, I think it's likely that you're farther ahead than me. As per <<|the mythical man-month>>, I'm probably going to slow you down if I help you, or duplicate work you've already done. In this case, unless there's some other specific and well-defined task you'd like me to do, such as getting some images your wget command can't, I will be on stand-by.
06/10/21 05:38AM
All I can say is that this makes me angry.

There's a LOT more I could say, like 12 paragraphs of ranting about this at the very least. But in the end it comes down to being really pissed off.

06/10/21 08:09AM
I never really looked at that site but it sucks that it is getting nuked. Hope you can save the pics
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