06/14/21 04:13PM
Good places for Hypno themed RPs?
Hello!~ Roleplaying is probably my biggest hobby, I've been doing it for the last thirteen years, and over the last two, have become very active in one particular online community dedicated to roleplaying. And I love it! However, there aren't many hypnokink enthusiasts around those parts, which is pretty unfortunate! I'm on that site so often that I don't think I'd ever dedicate nearly as much time to another, buuuuut I'd still be very interested in finding a place perhaps a bit more open to hypno fun!

I mostly RP things in the superhero genre, if that makes any difference!

Also feel free to tell me if this post is stupid, but I couldn't think of a better place to ask, so I figured I'd at least give it a shot. XD
06/14/21 05:06PM
Tons of people in various f-chat rooms.
06/14/21 09:36PM
Yeah F-list is gonna be your best bet. Or roleplay forums

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